Transformational Coach Stacie Barber Talks About Mental Well-Being And More

Pratiksha Kumar
The Creative Inc.
Published in
7 min readMar 2, 2021

Our readers love reading about women entrepreneurs creating an impactful change in the world. Tell us about yourself and the powerful work you do.

Amazing! I would be honored. I am a Transformational Mindset and Life Coach for women who want to come back home to themselves — in mind, body, + soul. I love guiding my clients to trust in their “inner compass” and stop second-guessing themselves. Through mastering the art of turning down the volume on external expectations and tuning back into their inner knowing, the women I support begin to remember who they were before the world told them differently, and in turn, reconnect with their authentic desires, vision, and purpose. I genuinely believe that each woman can create a life free of apology and full of opportunity. I provide soulful, authentic mentorship and guidance through curated transformation and opportunity containers throughout the coaching relationship. I trust humanity’s sheer power and pure resiliency and believe we are always being called into OUR version of excellence. It’s become my life’s purpose of guiding amazing women to step into their unique power by shedding the shame and claiming their legacy so they can live the life that they fully deserve.
I sincerely believe that the power behind each person’s story is within the sharing of that story. When we can authentically speak our truth and share our process’s depths with others, we start the in-depth healing process that’s activated for ourselves. The truth is we are all more alike than we are different, and when we realize that truth, doors begin to open, and veils lift.
I have always been an explorative, curious soul that yearned for depth and authenticity in life from as early as I can remember. However, growing up within a home with an alcoholic and emotionally distant Father, my deeply empathic spirit began to feel heavy and internally conflicted. Without the adequate tools to manage this onset confusion, I started to look for answers in the wrong places. My story is one of trial and triumph that genuinely hit rock bottom at the age of 17 following an unexpected pregnancy and abortion, leaving me feeling alone, deeply depressed, ashamed, and unsure where to turn.

And then one day, the sliver of truth came to me and jogged my memory, reminding me that once you hit ground zero, you have got nowhere to travel but up. At that moment, I accepted that truth as mine.
I began to believe in myself again, one step and one day at a time, intentionally and consistently. I started the critical path of healing for my emotional, physical and spiritual body. I began to reconnect with my inner compass to trust and believe in myself once again. I finally began to come home to myself.
Just as my life had seemed to hit a new level of ease, we got the news. My Dad was dying from his life-long battle with alcohol, and I knew that the relationship that was one of the most difficult in my life needed me more than ever. As my Dad was taking his last breaths here on Earth, a deep intuitive knowing encompassed my being.

It was the knowledge that this life is one to be created and fully invested in, paving the way that lights our souls alive. Remembering that real, lasting happiness and joy can only come from within and that we are each worthy of this gift. It was the permission that
I needed to step out of the conventional terms of society and pave my way. It was the knowledge that this precious life is short, and it is our responsibility to give it our all.

I believe that our life experience prepares us for our unique journey… it paves the way and beautifully manifests who we are meant to become in the world.
I look back on that time as one of the most monumental in my life’s experience, which became the catalyst for the change that my soul was calling for. At that moment, I leaped into the next version of myself, allowing my spirit’s transformation to revitalize and evolve. I heeded the decision of my life’s full expression and took the step into the unknown, which is where I found myself again.

I believe in the beauty and exquisite uniqueness that each soul is sharing in this human experience. I believe in the power of transparency and uncovering the truth. I believe in the power of the human spirit and, therefore, the drive it provides. I believe in the power of community, intentional choice, and united deep healing. I believe within the power of bringing light to the shadows, opening our hearts to ascertain, then holding ourselves et al in powerful compassion and tenderness. I believe in the power of finding our calling, finding the thing that fills you up so that you can then show up as your true, authentic self.
My passion is to be an avenue and guide to shed light on each woman’s truth,
worth, and power so that she can create a life that is soul-centered and radiant. I provide profoundly transformative and nourishing mentorship through private and group coaching containers, local and virtual workshops, my radio show, and podcast: Grounding Into Your Radiance on Transformational Talk Radio, my blog: The Root and The Leaf, and within the walls of our local Pilates + GYROTONIC studio in Charleston SC, The Mindful Body Pilates Studio.

How does inner work help us in shaping our perspective in life?

When committing to the inner work in our lives we allow ourselves to become aware of what is present, accept all that is in the now, and then begin to see with clear and open eyes the possibilities that have always been available to each one of us. When we do the ‘work’ of our inner work we invite in the lens of compassion and grace for ourselves and others, which helps to pull back the veil of old narratives, conditioned beliefs, and ways of being that we may or may not have been aware of. Then, and only then, are we able to tend the garden of our minds to release that which is no longer serving us and plant the seeds of our truth and light.

What goals are you currently working on?

I am currently investing my time and energy in building a beautiful, authentic, and soul-nurturing coaching business, while also running our brick and mortar space here in Charleston SC, The Mindful Body Pilates Studio. My wish is to serve as many women as possible that are ready to truly own their innate worth, realize their power, reconnect with their inner source + intuition and step into their pure radiance in the world. When the tide rises, all ships rise… and I believe this truth so deeply for women in this world. I am rolling out some beautiful offerings this winter/spring including a 4-month private coaching container, Grounded Into Your Radiance, and a 3-month group coaching container, The Sisterhood Collective. I am also spreading my word and truth in the world through my bi-weekly Radio Show, Grounding Into Your Radiance on Transformation Talk Radio, and my blog: The Root and The Leaf. I am always busy raising and loving my 2 amazing daughters, Haven (8) and Miles (6).

How does a person become the best version of herself/himself?

By first seeing that it’s possible. We have become so infiltrated with condemning views, narratives, and judgments about ourselves, who we are as a people, and who we are individuals. When we quiet the external noise and begin to truly listen to the messages coming from within, we begin to hear our truth. We begin to remember what we knew before the world told us anything different. We begin to remember who we are, and from that place, we step into the very best version of ourselves.

What advice would you give to women struggling with their mental well-being?

You are not alone. EVER. There is a host of many that are here, ready and waiting to support and love you. When you come to the edge of all you’ve known, trust that after taking the first step you will either have solid ground to stand upon or you will be taught to fly. Taking the first step is the most important. Believe me, I was there, I know where you are at and how you feel. When you feel that things are so heavy and the load is too much, look up and reconnect within. The strength and power that you need to move through this are within you now and always has been. Just remember, remember your truth before the world became so loud. Come back home to yourself and then reach out for help. You are stronger than you could ever imagine, and my dear sister can climb mountains that you never dreamed possible. Just acknowledging where you are, asking for the help you need, and remembering the magic in all that you are is THE WORK. I applaud you and am rooting you on each step of the way.

Where can our audience get connected with your work?

My website has all of my contact info and package details.

Stacie Barber Coaching

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Also on:

Apple Podcasts: Stacie Barber: Grounding Into Your Radiance

YouTube Channel: STACIE BARBER

