Vickie Dickson On Transforming Lives Through Human Design

Surabhi Verma
The Creative Inc.
Published in
7 min readFeb 5, 2024

Our readers love reading stories of powerful women creating a conscious change on the planet. Please tell us about yourself and the incredible work you do.

23 years ago, on an ordinary Thursday, my life changed forever. My father, who was 52 at the time, had just been diagnosed with dementia.

As we stood in my kitchen, with toddlers clinging to my legs, he told me that it would be up to me to put him in a nursing home when the time came because I was the only one strong enough to do it.

Then he walked out the door.

Before our conversation, I was focused entirely on building our future. After our conversation, I focused entirely on living every day fully. Purpose became the thing that drives me. And I started to notice that many women in my circle felt like they weren’t living life on purpose.

I’m what they call multi-passionate or a serial entrepreneur.

I’ve built bricks and mortar, direct sales, online, and coaching businesses successfully. The golden thread, no matter what I’m doing, is that I’m bringing people back to themselves.

I believe that we all know who we are, on a soul level.

We have been so conditioned to be what everyone else needs or wants us to be though, that we have lost sight of why we’re really here.

So we feel a little lost.

In my holistic health practice, my market research showed that the number one thing that women at midlife struggle with is unfulfilled expectations.

And I’m on a mission to change that.

I believe that every single person is capable of having an impact. Until you align with your purpose, everything feels hard or hopeless but once you truly step into why you’re here, the game changes. Human Design gives me a glimpse into the person you came here to be.

When I’m looking at your chart, I see you as a newborn baby — before the world got its hands on you. I see your potential, your gifts, your purpose, all laid out.

AND… I see where you’ve been conditioned to believe things about yourself that are not true. Together, we create your way out. Your way back to yourself.

So many women cry in a Human Design reading with me because they feel seen, often for the first time.

What was the initial idea behind setting up your business as a human design guide. How did it all start?

Honestly, I have tried to answer that question a hundred times and I still don’t know! It must be serendipity.

I was introduced to Human Design in a couple of courses that I was taking, and one of my daughters talked about it a lot but I really didn’t get it.

I knew I was a Manifesting Generator but even after an initial reading (which really wasn’t very comprehensive I now know) I didn’t get it. I had more questions than answers.

After about 3 years of wondering about it, I found someone (Phoebe Kuhn) who was teaching how to use Human Design in your business. I was hooked. From there, I studied all 4 levels of Human Design with Karen Curry Parker and went through a year long Human Design coach mastermind with her.

I find that Human Design is something that the deeper you go, the deeper you want to go.

Or maybe that’s my 48–16 channel that always goes DEEP.

Your services are sought after by many renowned clients. What services are you currently offering to the world?

Oh gosh. What a question for a Manifesting Generator!

The backbone of my business is Human Design readings.

I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the energy inside of a reading and how it can truly change the course of a person’s life just by sitting down together (virtually) and showing them what they’re made of.

It never fails — I’m able to really see inside of someone — the deepest part of them — and deliver exactly what they need in that moment so that they can move forward and do what they came here to do!

I also teach a course that’s all about finding your unique voice and using it in your content creation so that you draw the right fit clients to you with ease. So many women in business have no idea what they’re here to say or they follow these formulas where they’re just checking off the boxes to ‘get something out on social media’.

The Content by Design course is all about answering these 3 questions:

What are you here to say?

How do you need to say it?

Who do you need to say it to?

And it’s all based on your Human Design blueprint, of course. I work with a small group of companies, doing copywriting and I LOVE it!! Actually, I love everything that I do because I’m on purpose in everything in my life but I really love to write!

Currently, I’m on contract with one of the biggest providers of Human Design practitioner tools (Bodygraph Chart). We’re just getting started and I’m super excited to help them to create tools for their practitioners to use. They’re a heart centred company that really cares about changing the world through Human Design, and it shows.

There are lots of freebies on my website for people to start to understand and apply their own Human Design and I offer a Podcast where I focus on creating the life, business and relationships you were made for.

It’s called Unjaded — for Intentional Entrepreneurs and is available on all podcast players. Episodes are released on Mondays.

We are sure your clients must have hugely benefited from your services. Would you like to share your client’s success stories with our readers?

Sure! Here are some of the testimonials from my clients.

Vickie, I want to thank you for all of your guidance, systems and awareness especially around what I charge and how I overextend by giving away all of my time and energy for free. Having you coach me on why that is and how I want to be charging has made a huge difference. Today is my first coaching call with a new client. The $6000 3 month package was a no brainer for both of us and felt amazing to watch the excitement on my client’s face to have an opportunity to be coached by me.

- Michelle Frey

I can’t believe this. I always thought there was something wrong with me that I couldn’t keep pushing through. I feel lazy working a part time job. People say I’m wasting my life because I’m not working in my field but I hate that field! Thank you for the permission to do me. I could cry.

- Jane M

So much has happened since my human design reading with you. Life changing events that many would run from . But the knowledge that I gained from your reading has helped me to make decisions that I know are the right ones. I just wanted to say thank you. You have helped me to understand myself more than I thought possible.

- Natalie Goodfellow

NC Creations & Interior Design

We have already moved into 2024! We would love to know your thoughts regarding your business expansion this year. Enlighten us with your vision.

This year for me is all about the long game. Like anyone, I get tired of algorithms and social media from time to time. My podcast (Unjaded) will drive the content bus.

My VA has me getting started with Youtube and I’ll be optimizing Pinterest too. My very favourite thing in my business is my email list — probably because I love to write and have conversations with people in my community. We plan to 5x it this year!

I’m currently on a ‘working sabbatical’ that’s become a bit of a joke because I am working so much! The intention though is to finish at least one of the books that I’ve started to write.

My goal is to get a book published this year.

I’m currently reaching a few thousand people each quarter and would love to impact 10,000 in a real way in 2024. I read somewhere that ‘A woman standing in her power is the revolution’ and it stuck with me.

Imagine 10,000 of us standing in our power!!!

What advice would you give to someone looking forward to establishing their business in the niche of human design?

Use your own voice. Stand powerfully in your gifts and do it the way you’re designed to do it. Forget all of the ‘shoulds’ and just do the damn thing. Only then will you impact the people that only you can impact.

Where can our readers find your work? How can they connect with you?

Readers can find out more about my work on my website ( and my podcast (Unjaded podcast). They can connect with me on Instagram.

