Launching Creativeland

“It doesn’t have to be perfect in order to still be great, and what matters is that you’re doing the thing”

Tim Cigelske
The Creative Journey


“Just do it. Whatever you want to do. The only person stopping you is you.”

In 2021 I’m featuring people on a Creative Journey during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is №1 in the series, featuring Dan O'Keefe and Tom Hillmeyer, founders of Creativeland. The company produces a live trivia show and branched off into podcasting and creative ventures.

What is your creative venture?

Tom: Dan O’Keefe and I make a weekly trivia show called Fast Facts Live (FFL). We broadcast Wednesday nights on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch. Players are able to respond with answers via a chat bot we call Chartybot. First place wins a prize, usually an emailed gift card.

Dan: Creative Venture sounds so fancy. It started out as just Fast Facts Live, an online trivia show, but now it’s expanded to be Creativeland, a media production company that has Fast Facts Live, In Conclusion: A Movie Podcast!, and basically anything else creative that Tom and I do.

Why did you start when you did?

Dan: Bars were closed, we were bored, Tom went “I want to start an online trivia show.” I said, “You should call it Fast Facts Live.” This was in April. 36 or so episodes…

