How to be perfectly whelmed.

Adam W Morgan
The Creative Machine
6 min readNov 22, 2019


Balancing your creative team’s workload.

We all handle different amounts of stress. Some of us are never overwhelmed. Others freak out with the smallest amount of pressure. When managing a creative team, you’ll probably have a mix of both extremes.

Perhaps you have someone on your team who can only balance a few projects before they get frazzled and throw their hands up in protest when you try to give them another project. They act stressed and note that they have those other two huge projects to do first (that are in reality pretty reasonable).

Then there are others who willingly accept any project you mention without any drama. They may even ask for more, when you know their workload is pretty huge already. But you keep giving them projects, hoping that they won’t crumble with the weight.

While it’s fine to tailor the load for each member on your team, at some point it isn’t really fair. Especially if the one carrying more weight is paid less than the senior person who can only manage a few projects.

By tailoring the load for each person, you may end up creating an unfair environment and causing poor morale. People talk. They know when someone isn’t carrying their fair share of the workload. When you allow this unbalance to continue, it could backfire and you could lose one of your harder…



Adam W Morgan
The Creative Machine

Writer on data-driven creativity. Executive Creative Director, Adobe