Still Hurting From Losing My Dad

And dealing with everything he left behind

L.A. Strucke
The Creative Project


Photo by Jeff Miller on Unsplash

I’m going through my Dad’s clothes, and I am crying. A few months ago he put on those jeans, and he wore that belt hanging from a hook, still ready for him to put it on. He wore those large white sneakers and the short-sleeved shirt with his name on the pocket.

Somehow, packing his clothes into boxes makes it all real. He’s gone. He left this earth way before he wanted to. A slip, a fall, a broken hip, and all his plans changed.

My Dad and me

Dad came into my life shortly after my birth father died. I was a sad little girl who needed a Daddy. And he stepped willingly into that role as my loving stepfather.

He played board games with me. His positive spirit brought life back into our home.

I remember one day when I was young, watching him drive a huge tractor-trailer down our street. I was so proud of him. He was energetic and strong and a great driver. I looked up to him,

He was up at 4 am and worked long hours as a truck driver. Every day he came home late at night and relaxed in front of the TV. I spent many hours watching TV with him because being near him made me happy.



L.A. Strucke
The Creative Project

Top Writer, Songwriter. Published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Highlights for Children and Guideposts. Editor of The Creative Project.