The Moment That Ruined Christmas Season For Me

I tried to save him

L.A. Strucke
The Creative Project


Photo by Laura College on Unsplash

It started like any other Christmas season

It was the week before Christmas. I was searching for a gingerbread house kit for my eldest daughter, who was back home visiting from studying abroad. She longed to recapture pleasant childhood memories of Christmas, by making an old-fashioned gingerbread house with her two younger sisters.

But this was not to be. The store was sold out. Annoyed and irritated at the season's commercialism, I decided to give up my search. I’d already checked the other stores, and no one had any gingerbread kits left.

“Life isn’t fair,” I thought. I imagined how disappointed my daughters would feel when I came home empty-handed.

It was pitch black outside and the wind was picking up and blowing my hair around my face when I headed out of the store. I bundled my burgundy, woolen scarf around me to keep out the cold as I searched the parking lot and located my car.

An unexpected shock

Seconds later, gripping the icy steering wheel, I drove away and pulled out onto the road. Immediately, my car headlights illuminated a massive buck on the pavement before my car. I slammed on my brakes.



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