Why I Love Medium Success Stories

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I think they’re helpful

L.A. Strucke
The Creative Project


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Keep bragging people.

I’m in the minority on Medium. I like reading stories about how you made thousands of dollars here.

I don’t care if you brag about your earnings. Brag all you want. It makes me happy to hear somebody rose from poverty and found a path to success.

Yet, I just read an article with over a thousand claps from someone who doesn’t want to hear about people’s rags to riches stories. Many people agreed with the writer, and that’s fine.

I didn’t. And I don’t mind being in the minority.

How I found Medium

The truth is, I wouldn’t be writing on Medium if it wasn’t for this article written by Roz Warren. Thank you, Roz.

I was aimlessly searching for more opportunities on the internet. I’d been published in 10 Chicken Soup for the Soul books, Guideposts magazine, and had a cartoon story in Highlights for Children, and I loved getting paid for my writing.

Having been published, I wanted to find another way to earn money freelance writing. I was born to write, and I’d gladly done it for free in the past. But, I don’t care what some people say — there is nothing like getting a…



L.A. Strucke
The Creative Project

Top Writer, Songwriter. Published in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Highlights for Children and Guideposts. Editor of The Creative Project.