The best content strategy: Write what you believe in.

The Creative Rebels
3 min readOct 8, 2015


Recently I had writer’s block. I couldn’t for the life of me decide what to blog about, and that’s practically unheard of. In hindsight the problem wasn’t something silly like “I’ve run out of ideas” or “I don’t feel like writing”, but it was something even sillier.

I couldn’t write because I was trying to write “what other people wanted me to write”.

Don’t get me wrong — I mean everything I’ve ever written, but when I came up with ideas, it seemed that I was trying to imitate what others were doing or simply talk about trending topics. Ugh.

Let’s get something straight.

Your writing will never be inspiring or memorable or authentic if you’re saying things you don’t believe in.

And in order to avoid that happening, you should really think about what you want to say, why you want to say it, and make a list of the things that really matter to you.

I’m saying this as much to myself as the client the other day who was at a loss for things to write about their app. They somehow got it in their head they were supposed to be some kind of information provider, meaning recycling everything out there on the topic.

No. You are not supposed to write anything you don’t want to write. Period. How will you ever hook people with “meh” articles? You won’t.

The most shared articles are: opinionated, authentic, and emotional. They are infused with: value, mission, and heart. They are never just useful and never just entertaining. You know, like this one.

The unexpected perks.

Maybe you won’t believe me, but as a result of:

  • determining my purpose and nailing down my core messages;
  • marketing in a more cohesive rather than scattered way;
  • only writing and sharing what I truly believe in…

I am now literally spewing content. I’m also praying to the muses and Gods not to take it away, so maybe I should shut up now.

But seriously, this is my 5th article of the day. I am storing them for the next month/s, which means I won’t be stressed about coming up with new content anytime soon. Isn’t this the best feeling?!

While one perk is monstrous inspiration, another is finally feeling comfortable in your own skin.

Maybe you won’t relate to this one, but it’s been a pain point for me for as long as I remember. If you’re likely to follow people’s advice and press shiny buttons all day, you are also likely to “go with the flow”, which in my case meant being swept away by the momentum of mediocrity.

Instead of feeling loud and proud about who I am, I was rather investing in the side of me that likes to please people, which is just about the worst thing you can do on the Internet. So what if my target audience wants to know more about flower photos? I will never care for them.

When you’re not yourself but rather resemble everyone else, nobody will notice, let alone remember you.

And you’ll miss the miraculous thing that happens after finding your purpose and your voice — attracting the right people. So for the sake of your business, invest in authenticity.

A final example.

A friend of mine gave me an article to review the other day. It was not only full of fascinating information, but also full of conviction. I could feel it sip through the words and leave a lasting impression in my brain.

Wouldn’t you rather write that kind of article?

I was very tempted to tell her that she should start writing more on the subject and think about how she should incorporate the topic in her brand, but then I stopped myself. Not everyone wants to be helped, and anyway, she will read this, so maybe my work here is done.

It’s up to you — will you recycle content or inspire people? Drive them to action? Will you be the kind of person who says it like it is or will you be the kind of person who follows expert advice?

If you’re ready to be you, take the red pill.



The Creative Rebels

Multipassionate coach for creative rebels, who are tired of following everyone else's rules and want to kick ass in their own way.