There is no excuse.

The Creative Rebels
4 min readAug 28, 2015


All the tools are at your disposal. You just have to use them!

I’ve been talking to clients and the same pattern emerges again and again. Basically, what trips up founders sometimes is…


Can you believe it? We’re talking about hardcore hustlers who are used to busting their asses off daily and working weekends, and the one thing that trips them up is something so small and insignificant.

Now truth time: We all have this in common.

Who hasn’t heard of creative block caused by the immensity of a project, which is really a number of small tasks piled by the brain? You see a mountain, but the person who will climb the mountain sees stones. Stones that will allow them to climb up, like the stubborn goat that they are.

Source: Goat Gifs!

And who hasn’t felt this gnawing beast in their stomach when they’ve had to take on a major trip and step out of their comfort zone? Whether you’re an introvert or extravert or ambivert, none of us are immune.

So it’s really no surprise small things can trip us on the road to success.

What does come as a surprise, however, is that we still do this in the day and age when everything is at the tip of our fingers!

I mean, tell me something you need right now and I’ll tell you how to get it on demand. I dare ya. And maybe instant gratification is not the best thing EVER — anyone else having trouble concentrating? — but it means that:


So here’s what I tell my clients. Listen carefully.

If your landing page or blog desperately needs photos or a demo or whatever, just make it happen. TODAY.

Don’t put it on some imaginary “to-do” list and procrastinate because you don’t feel like doing it. (In fact, as you write your to-do list, another entrepreneur is do-now’ing. Hmm, we need a phrase for this.)

Those are not things you can do without. And by the way, you can get pretty much anything done on Fiverr. And even though it can be risky to get some crap service on there, at least you’re doing something as opposed to worrying about the semantics! And it’s just $5!

When I needed a photo for my new site, I:

  • took photos in a professional studio,
  • asked all of my friends if they knew a photographer in the area,
  • tortured my poor mother to take hundreds of photos of me,
  • and toiled on Photoshop day in and day out…

… to eventually use a photo that was edited by a guy on Fiverr.

Whatever the source, though, try not to freeze up and wonder what you should do next, but just do everything you can think of.

You know this deep down. Those who get things done, win.

I want you to start thinking like a winner, and next time you need anything, just reach out to someone — ask your facebook friends or your colleagues ‘what’s an easy way to get this done today?’. And if you’re not “too social”, look for the solution on Google OR even better, let the Universe do its synchronistic thing where it delivers the right thing at the right moment —

Because you asked for it. And took steps to find it.

To illustrate,

Back in the day — when I existed in the Blogger bubble — I created this crazy blog: There are literally 3 articles on there and it hasn’t been updated since 2013, but I did it so I could have a place with all those “travel for free/cheap” links in one place, which I put under resources. I’m talking house-sitting, au-pair, work exchange, gap years…

Back when everything was up in the air, I had just graduated, had no money and nowhere to stay, I needed a solution fast, and I came up with this. Can you imagine what would have happened if I’d listened to people who told me to get my head out of the clouds and find a “real job”?

We’re entrepreneurs. We know better. We just need to apply the same “rebel principle” to the small things as well as the big ones.

The list can be improved by adding the stuff that surfaced the last few years, but there’s another place where you can find that now. And that’s Product Hunt. You know it. You love it. My top reason for even using it is finding useful tools. Forget that Google exists and dive into the awesomeness.

My point is, there are amazing tools this year that allow us to find other amazing tools, and that’s the mother of inception right there!

In the (paraphrased) words of Gary Vaynerchuk,

Don’t you dare complain about anything, because things have never been easier to — do, find, achieve, reach, etc.

Seriously, watch his Monday video:


P.S. Thanks for reading! Sign up to get more of my content here. :)



The Creative Rebels

Multipassionate coach for creative rebels, who are tired of following everyone else's rules and want to kick ass in their own way.