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An uncomfortable truth about spiritual growth.

Derek Morgan
The Creator Within
Published in
3 min readNov 7, 2023


You can’t avoid it. Even if you’re unaware of it.

From the moment of conception the soul is experiencing. Some souls only desire to experience the pre-birth experience, others a long and interesting life, each is equally valued by the soul.

This to your mind is inconceivable, how can an unborn child have as much impact and generate as many experiences as an eighty year old man?

Our very being in the world generates experience, which in turn creates a ripple, some ripples caused by a great splash of emotion, that can last for generations, others create tranquil waves almost unnoticed, seen only by the most observant.

Each of us are creating ripples, and being washed by other people’s ripples. The ripples are created by our thoughts, that in turn creates emotion, energy in motion, this creates experiences either internally or externally, this is unavoidable. The soul grows from the experience.

Somebody could get really angry and say that I’m wrong about this, because their worldview is different and they don’t believe me. They may also believe the concept of the soul is foolhardy.

Our mind creates the filter for our reality, this may be filled with inherited views never challenged without being aware of consequences to themselves or others.

For me within my beliefs their soul has experienced anger, and the person has been given an opportunity to experience the world differently, as have I, we have both experienced the interaction, for the soul this is job done.

The soul has no preference to how you experience life.

However it knew the family it was being born into, so certain experiences were more likely.

The soul is part of oneness, it has no preference morally on your choices or experiences you choose to make in the duality.

The ability to choose who we are, or want to be, does not exist in the oneness.

Pain, joy, death, and whatever experience you can imagine are only available in the illusion we call life.

The idea of father God is damaging to our understanding. A good father will set boundaries to keep us safe, and punish us if we break them.

All human love is conditional, divine love is not.

Having rules to keep you safe can at some point stop your growth.

The divine disinterest seems uncaring, but it is totally liberating, no more pats on the head or slaps on the legs. Just an unmasking of who you chose to be.

No eternal reward or punishment, just an here and now choice of who you are, right here right now. The greater good or personal gain both valid choices.

I have tried to work for the greater good most of my life, I do it because I enjoy it and feel the world will be a better place for it, that is my reward.

When we all return to the oneness I will be at one with everything as will you.

No special place for our great work, or naughty seats for our selfish and or harmful choices.

So who do you want to be? What world do you want to create?

If you want to support me please buy me a coffee, thank you for reading.



Derek Morgan
The Creator Within

A test pilot for the gift of life. Exploring the dance between Love and Fear. Creating a wave of Hope.