The chance of a lifetime- three choices which is the best?

Derek Morgan
The Creator Within
Published in
3 min readNov 17, 2023


Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash

Question for your mind and soul.

You’re a talented and hungry actor and you get a call from your agent who can’t contain their enthusiasm.

The television show everyone watches and loves is offering you a role. The writer has an idea about introducing different characters at the same time and you have first choice.

Some of the characters will have amazing scope for development. They will face challenges that give them the opportunity for the actor to show a roller coaster of emotions. Others do not have so many chances they are more of a two or three-dimensional character.

Your agent reminds you of the fact, that more conflict and drama leads to more storylines which leads to a greater chance to demonstrate your emotional range.

These more challenging roles played well will lead to possible joint work on developing the character with the writer later.

The first role is fascinating, you’re a female born as a none identical twin.

The writer wants to show how people can be so close in some way and yet they can be so different in others.

Your parents are dysfunctional, one controls you through religion, and the other is narcissistic and more interested in their image and self-promotion than you.

You are born with a deep sense of purpose and this clashes with a life you simply don’t feel you fit in. The character has the scope to be anything, disadvantaged in so many ways balanced with great ability and power if played right.

There will be nowhere to hide playing this character, it tests your ability to work with deep emotions.

The second character is powerful in the story, they are born into a success, and both parents are financially successful.

One parent works away most of the time, money is the currency of love. You play this character with a sense of entitlement, narcissistic tendencies, and contempt for others, envied by some people. The character will be used to contrast in the storyline.

This character will be less demanding for the actor but is really important to the storyline, and may develop into the villain.

The last character is an interesting and underrepresented character type, the character is bright and creative but restricted by preprogrammed ways their mind functions, great highs, and lows, and a constant struggle for balance.

A gift for a talented actor who wants to showcase their emotional range.

Which one are you going to pick?

Do you want to live your dream role in the greatest show on earth?

Do you want to test yourself and your emotional range and show the world what you can do?

Do you want to go for the less emotionally challenging role? With fewer storylines.

Do you just ignore this golden chance?

I believe before we are born, we choose a role and then pick the parents most likely to help us play that role.

For me it makes perfect sense, others might say we are molded by our experience and that’s it.

There is more magic in my view. A deep truth I feel.

Talking about television soaps my friend Bill Roache who plays Ken Barlow didn’t want to go for the audition his agent pushed him into it.

Some Bill didn’t need pushing into was a parachute jump at ninety-one, amazing man.

The Victory of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance.

Love yourself, Love life, Love each other, and Create Magic!

Thank you for reading. Each Highlight, Clap, Follow, or Comment helps create more magic with the Gods of medium.

Coffee feeds my soul, if you want to buy me coffee your support would really help. Thanks again.



Derek Morgan
The Creator Within

A test pilot for the gift of life. Exploring the dance between Love and Fear. Creating a wave of Hope.