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The Curse of Choice, the Enemy of tranquillity.

Derek Morgan
The Creator Within
Published in
2 min readOct 19, 2023


A few weeks a go when I joined Medium, I decided to write a story about a magical snow circle that appeared while we were doing a peace dance. Prayers send and maybe for that night prayers answered, truly beautiful.

I sat down to type the story and produced the Dark night of the Soul. Maybe my energy wants me to give some idea of what it took to get there, well what it took for me, everyone’s path is different.

I have just written about whatever came to mind, some as responses to great articles or comments from talented writers on here, some from chats with Lisa, my wife, inspiration from everyone everywhere.

I had a plan and God laughed, my mind plotted the great stories and their importance and my soul ignored them and just wrote.

I didn’t write for the first time in weeks yesterday.

My all knowing soul offered my mind free choice of direction, content, target groups, image and whatever else it felt important. It produced nothing, the fear of picking the wrong thing, not being interesting enough. Sharing too much and being judged were too much for it.

Maybe if I mapped out what I need to do, I could force myself everyday to write one. It suggested.

One day in charge and it killed my joy, stopped my flowing writing.

I will make the list, but in no order of writing. I love being inspired. It is such a gift from others, their bravery to expressed it encourages me.

Choices for the mind are problems that can cause difficulties. The risk v reward, strangely not the reward v risk.

For the soul it is all reward, numerous experiences to be triggered, all valuable to the expansion of consciousness.

Your mind will never understand your soul and will always try to limit its expression.

So the next time I want to take a break from inspiration and joy I will hand my writing over to it again.

My soul wants to create a space for people to go out of their minds, be inspired, think about what if, reduce the fear of expressing themselves.

Tranquillity comes from listening to your inner knowing, and making the choice to express it, this is the only choice you ever need to take.

Every choice is an opportunity to grow or shine, don’t fear either.

Thanks for reading, If you want to support my writing Buy me a coffee. Or Subscribe to the Creator Within.



Derek Morgan
The Creator Within

A test pilot for the gift of life. Exploring the dance between Love and Fear. Creating a wave of Hope.