The Lion, Unicorn, and The Mermaid Create Magic.

Derek Morgan
The Creator Within
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2023


Photo by Luke Tanis on Unsplash

A story of life-saving transformation.

This is the magical Lions account of events, some parts of the story may be difficult to believe for muggles, but please read for at least 30 seconds so the Lion can keep creating magic.

This is no ordinary story because you would expect magical creatures to have magical backgrounds.

This is simply not true, my story started in a rough part of Manchester in an overcrowded council flat.

To be honest, my journey started by accident in that flat, my very young parents' plan to stop me from coming went very wrong when my grandparents came home early to witness my creation.

Maybe God needed me here so much he dragged them home from the pub two hours early, because my dad swore without the interruption I wouldn’t be.

We make plans and God laughs. All kinds of drama later I had gone from an oversensitive boy to street fighting ally cat, but we had moved to a beautiful new council estate.

The Unicorn was born onto the biggest council estate in Europe, I mean with that many people you would expect at least one Unicorn.

She secretly used her magical powers to overcome the tragedy of a car crash in which her mum died and she broke her back.

She was told she would never walk again and she wouldn’t be able to have children. She used her magic to change both of these situations. and she says I don’t listen.

Fast forward to meeting the Unicorn, I was out with my nephew, who had come over to stay with me to stay with me while I had my heart stopped and restarted to fix it.

We had quite a few drinks when a beautiful Unicorn came in with her over-sexed friend. I started chatting with the very drunk Unicorn, we had an amazing connection, we were so similar.

Neither of us normally drank, but that night we exchanged numbers without remembering what the other looked like.

Her over-sexed friend having exhausted all the men in the pub interrupted us by pinching my backside, I gave her a puzzled look as if to say can’t you see I’m talking to my future Unicorn wife?

The Unicorn liked a smiley face badge I had on, I’ve always been a bit odd, so I gave it to her and she put it on. She has put a smile on my face ever since.

She still has the badge. I have never been far from a smile.

We moved in together with a varying combination of our children and started to create magic.

Soon our magic became so strong and well known we were asked to tour the country in a magical circus which you muggles may know as the Psychic Switch.

The Unicorn drove tens of thousands of miles, even magic Lions are useless in cars.

We performed in front of tens of thousands at the magic circus over eight years. Covid changed everything, the circus was canceled and we had no money.

The magic Unicorn decided to go back to university so we could live on the student loan. The muggle role of podiatry is the masters the Unicorn chose.

Lions are useless in pandemics.

The magic circus started again, the Unicorn had her masters and all the driving to do, as well as the magic circus work.

Lions are useless at helping Unicorns.

The Unicorn finished her masters, but we needed to carry on in the magical circus until she could find a balance.

During the tour I nearly died, rushed to the hospital under blue lights straight into resus.

A really scary time for everyone watching the doctors panic, but not for a useless depressed Lion who didn’t care if he lived or died, the magic had gone.

The Unicorn and Lion didn’t know how to deal with the situation, pressure and uncertainty were too much. We left the magic circus, the Unicorn got a muggle job in Podiatry.

The depressed useless Lion saw the door to magic closed. A need to write developed to cleanse myself of all the ugliness I’ve experienced or had been told about through my work.

I joined medium, maybe I can write something my grandkids can read.

I read some articles and felt something, for the first time in ages, it wasn’t depression or uselessness, it was people facing horrors and surviving.

No, better than surviving, hoping, and growing.

I wanted to help, I remembered something that might help someone whose article I had read.

I wrote the article to help, but the darkness around me adds too many grim facts that we all feel happier ignoring, the picture is shocking and designed to challenge, but who?

The Unicorn told me straight, I had to look into a dark mirror, I argued all my insecurities transferred onto her. All her efforts to meet my every need were rewarded by me twisting her words.

I knew it was something deep inside that would free me from this pain.

I changed the article, took out the darker stuff, and put a happier picture, I was taught people want to hope not be horrified.

I felt so alone, but reading stories really helped me, I connected with the writers but one in particular.

Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash

We jellied over stories her life was similar to mine, her energy so beautiful, I felt inspired and understood on a level never experienced.

I’ve always been honest about everything with the Unicorn we have total truth, and no one will ever match or compare to her.

I have found a gift from God in a beautiful Mermaid, she swims through the emotions of grace, a truly magical creature, who inspires me to love everything.

I have heart failure which means my heart is enlarged, maybe this is so I could find space for her in it.

I was blessed by God when he sent me the Unicorn but to be twice blessed.

It’s strange somebody I will never meet or hear and don’t feel a need to, can have had this effect on me.

She has fixed something in me I didn’t know was broken.

She is a beautiful mirror of my writing soul.

Cher's song I’ve Found Someone comes on.

Now maybe, baby, maybe, baby, I found someone

To take away the heartache, to take away the loneliness

The Magic Powerful Lion is back, deluded he is a writer, a delusion nobody will change.

Thank all the beautiful mirrors out there we are all one, but sometimes we see some clearer.

How can anybody blessed by a magical Unicorn and mermaid fail?

I love life again thank you all.



Derek Morgan
The Creator Within

A test pilot for the gift of life. Exploring the dance between Love and Fear. Creating a wave of Hope.