How I Went From Being Skinny To Being Muscular Easily

Don’t you want to look at yourself in the mirror today and see only muscles, not a skinny, fat or “skinny fat” person?

Francis Ekwunife
The Creator’s Oasis.
4 min readSep 3, 2023


Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

It’s the worst feeling in the world.

You’ve done loads of intense workouts. You wake up early every day so you can hit the gym.

You’ve spent countless hours researching:

How do I from being skinny and fat to being muscular?

You’ve done everything.

But slowly, you realize. You aren’t getting any athletic.

You feel like giving up.

Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

I, too, felt this way.

When I went on my journey to be more muscular.

I would sleep late because I was working out. I would spend countless hours researching how to be more athletic.

For three months, I would look at myself in the mirror daily.

But each time I saw no improvement, I felt like quitting.

Photo by Johnny Cohen on Unsplash

I’m sure this is how you feel.

You work out, you do everything. But every time you look in the mirror, you don’t see any improvement.

You feel like giving up!

But I’m here to share with you the three things that helped me to go from being “skinny fat” to having a muscular appearance.

So, let’s dive in.

1. How do you work out?

Photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash

Blood, sweat, and respect. The first two you give, the last one you earn. — The Rock.

The first thing that helped me develop my athletic appearance was how I worked out and do today.

For the first five months of my fitness journey:

  • I would work out for ~12 minutes.
  • And in those 12 minutes, I did very low-intensity workouts.

I’m sure this is the mistake you’re making right now.

After those few months of little results, I decided to change it.

I started:

  • Working out for an hour by:
  • Focusing on one group of muscles like my quads.
  • I would then research exercises that trained quads.
  • And, then I would choose five workouts out of them. For each activity, I would do five sets of it for ten reps.

2. What do you eat?

Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

Every 35 days, your skin replaces itself. Your liver, about a month. Your body makes these new cells from the food you eat. What you eat becomes you.

What do you eat? How do you eat?

When I was still beginning my fitness journey, I would eat unhealthy foods.

And I never ate them in small portions.

I would eat so much that even when I was stuffed, I would continue eating.

Do you eat like you aren’t going to eat in the next two weeks, or do you eat only small portions of food?

Even if you did eat small portions of food, you still shouldn’t eat junk food all the time.

About six months into my fitness journey, I decided to eat what would keep me full until the next meal.

And I decided to eat fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy carbs.

The results:

  • I got more muscle mass
  • I got leaner.

3. Discipline is the key to success

Photo by Dave Lowe on Unsplash

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. — Jim Rohn

Before I started seeing results, I had to:

  • Work out every weekday, that is, five times a week
  • Even when I wasn’t working out, I would discipline myself to only eat healthy on those days.

I’m sure you don’t have the discipline to work out. If not, you’d see the results.

But I encourage you to do this because this has helped me:

  • If you feel unmotivated about working out, think about why you’re doing it. To be more fit.
  • Whenever you feel discouraged with the results you’re getting, keep on working out because you will surely get the physique you want.

You’ve learned about three things that helped me to become more muscular:

  • Having a specific intensity and style with my workouts
  • Eating healthy and in small quantities
  • Being disciplined

These are the things that I used to transform my body from being “skinny fat” to being muscular.

You, too, can replicate my results if you do what I do.

Subscribe to my newsletter for exclusive posts about my fitness journey and how to be more fit here.

As always, please support me on Ko-fi here.



Francis Ekwunife
The Creator’s Oasis.

Catholic blogger teaching you practical skills to upgrade your mindset and life. Get my free email course: