Juana Barraza: The Little Old Lady Killer

Mexico’s Female Serial Killer Who Killed Old Ladies

Ana Coughlin
The Crime Center


Photo from Twm. news

In Mexico, in the late ’90s, old ladies were being brutally murdered. All the victims were over 60 and lived alone. People feared a serial killer was on the loose. But the Police criticized the media for “Media Sensationalism” and unnecessarily scaring the public.

The Political powers refused to acknowledge a serial killer was killing little old ladies. They said they were random killings and were not connected. But all the women lived near gardens and parks, lived alone, and were enrolled in a government program called sebum.

More and more elderly women were being killed, and in 2006, there were 17 more murders. The total was 49 unsolved murders in seven years. This wasn’t random. They were being targeted.

At first, the Police refused to admit there was a serial killer on the loose. The public was growing more frightened and asking why wasn’t Police doing more to catch the killer? There were over forty murders in a three-year spree. The killer strangled old ladies with cables, scarves, stockings, stethoscopes, and bare hands. The press called her La Mataviejitas, “Little old lady killer.”

Officially the Police deny a serial killer. But privately, they knew there was a monster killing…



Ana Coughlin
The Crime Center

Loves the Beach. Loves to Read. Writing is not a hobby, but a passion.