The Death of Princess Diana

Why Many People Believe That Diana Was Murdered.

Ana Coughlin
The Crime Center


Photo credits to People Magazine

Princess Diana adored her two children William, the second heir to the throne, and her youngest son, Harry, who is now married to Megan Markel. Diana always wished for a daughter, but sadly she died before she could make it come true.

Diana, the Princess of Wales, was a member of the British Royal Family. She was married to Prince Charles of Wales, who is the heir to the Crown of England.

Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1, 1961, in Sandringham, Norfolk, England and she died on August 31, 1997.

Diana and Prince Charles married in St.Paul’s Cathedral on July 29, 1981, with over 2,000 guests in attendance. The royal wedding was televised around the world and billions of people saw the fairytale scene.

But, the fairytale ended. After four years of separation, their divorce was finalized on August 28, 1996.

During her time in the spotlight, Diana became an icon. She was young, beautiful, elegant, and full of charisma. Her clothes and her hairstyles made her a worldwide trendsetter. She was involved in several charities, supported AIDS patients, children’s issues, and was involved in banning land mines.



Ana Coughlin
The Crime Center

Loves the Beach. Loves to Read. Writing is not a hobby, but a passion.