The Horrific History Behind the Cecil Hotel

Murders, suicide, and a home for serial killers.

Ana Coughlin
The Crime Center


Photo credits to My Imperfect Life

The Cecil Hotel is located in Los Angeles on 640 S. Main Street. It opened on December 18, 1924. It has 14 floors and 700 guest rooms. It was built in the roaring twenties for the tourists and the business traveler that visited the city.

Some people say the hotel is haunted. Others say it’s the suicide hotel.

When the depression hit, it went from an upscale establishment to a budget hotel. A block away is Skid Row — a place where thousands of homeless and mentally impaired people live.

The hotel has a long history of bad things happening. It also has a long list of violent behavior, drugs, and sex workers.

The hotel has had at least 14 suicides and murders. Throughout the years, the police have been called thousands of times to the hotel. Sometimes they have several visits in one day.

The former hotel manager, Amy Price, said she saw at least 80 deaths during the years of 2007 to 2017. Allegedly, it was common to see junkies in hallways and the lobby shooting drugs. It wasn’t unusual to see naked people walking around the lobby, also.

Rumor has it, prostitutes in and around the hotel would disappear.



Ana Coughlin
The Crime Center

Loves the Beach. Loves to Read. Writing is not a hobby, but a passion.