Creepy Story Cursed Death Chair Thomas Busby

The Busby’s stoop chair or the Dead Man’s Chair is an allegedly haunted oak chair that was cursed by the murderer Thomas Busby before his execution by hanging in 1702 in North Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom.

L. Small
The Crime Scene


The Chair of Death

In a small village far from the city crowd, precisely located in North Yorkshire, England, there is a story about the "Chair of Death."

At first glance, a chair made of oak looks ordinary and harmless. However, who would have thought that the chairs on display in the corner of a museum with their hanging position did not touch the ground so that visitors would not be able to sit in this death chair attacked by a 300-year curse made by the owner of the death chair.

It turns out that this chair has a terrible story that might make the hairs of your necks stand up.

Busby Stoop Inn

Thomas Busby

In 1702, Thomas Busby brutally murdered his father-in-law as well as his partner in a crime the two frequently committed. The story of Thomas Busby has become a belief for the…



L. Small
The Crime Scene

"One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible" ~Genghis Khan~