The Woman Who Disappeared After an Accident — Maura Murray’s Missing Story

In 2004, Maura Murray, a 21-year-old nursing student from New Hampshire, disappeared after a car accident. Her family wonders if Maura “ran away” or disappeared purposefully. Given the many causative circumstances, no conclusion can be drawn. Maura is still sought.

L. Small
The Crime Scene


Maura Murray. Photo credit:

Maura Murray was born in Hanson, Massachusetts, in 1982. Upon graduation from high school, Maura accepted an invitation to a prestigious military academy, where she chose to concentrate on chemical engineering. Maura decided to alter her major to nursing in her second year at the academy.

As a result, she pursued her education at the University of Massachusetts. According to reports, Maura is not a vicious person. She was also an accomplished track and field athlete in addition to being an excellent student.

During the three months prior to her disappearance, Maura was accused of using a stolen credit card to purchase food at several restaurants. However, the charges were dropped three months later when she was discovered to be of good behavior.



L. Small
The Crime Scene

"One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible" ~Genghis Khan~