What Happened To Sabrina Aisenberg? The Baby Who Slipped From The Crib

Even after years of trying, the newborn, who was only 5 months old at the time, could not be found.

L. Small
The Crime Scene


Sabrina Aisenberg. Source.

On Nov. 23, 1997, Marlene and Steve Aisenberg put their kids to bed. The next morning, Marlene saw that both the garage door and the side door were open. After that, she dashed to Sabrina’s room, only to discover that she was gone.

Marlene and Steve Aisenberg raised three wonderful children, William, Monica, and Sabrina, and were a thriving, happily married couple. They lived in Valrico, Florida, and exemplified a picture-perfect family. However, no one in the family was prepared for the horrific tragedy that would shatter their joyful lives when baby Sabrina vanished.

Sabrina Aisenberg. Source.

On the morning of November 24, 1997, at precisely 6:00 a.m., Marlene Aisenberg awoke and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. Nothing seemed out of the norm when she prepared her coffee. Her three children, William (age 8), Monica (age 4), and Sabrina (age 5 months), as well as her husband, Steve, were all asleep.



L. Small
The Crime Scene

"One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible" ~Genghis Khan~