Stalker Turned Killer — The Sad Case of 25-Year-Old Corey Parker

It took the police 2 years to arrest her killer and he lived right across from her

Ana Writes
The Criminalist


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Corey Parker attended college in Jacksonville, Florida. The hot climate and beaches were a nice change from snowy Rochester, New York where she was originally from. She worked as a waitress throughout college at a local restaurant. Corey and her co-workers were pretty good friends and when Corey didn’t show up for a shift they got worried.

Her manager sent one of the cooks to go to her apartment and see if she was there. When he knocked on the door, no one came but as he walked around to her bedroom window, he saw her lifeless body lying in her bed covered in blood. According to police, this was one of the worst crime scenes they had ever seen in Jacksonville. It would take almost 2 years after her murder for the killer to get caught.

The Crime Scene

There was blood splattered all over the walls and Corey was covered in blood. Her body was laid out in a sexually suggestive way and investigators also thought that the crime scene looked staged. Corey was stabbed 101 times and 54 of those stabbings occurred after she was already dead.

