Man’s Dog Helps To Catch His Killer

Human DNA was not an important piece of evidence in this crime

Ana Writes
The Criminalist


Image via Woofers & Co

28-year-old John Helble was what most people describe as a loner. He kept to himself most of the time and it wasn’t unusual for his family to not see him for months. He was a frequent narcotics user and dealer and did not have a good relationship with his family. John’s favorite family member was his 3-year-old Siberian husky, Keisha. Friends and family said John and Keisha were inseparable and that he really loved her.

After 2 months of not hearing from him, in February of 1999, John’s mother decided to call and check up. John did not answer the phone and at this point, she was getting very worried. John’s mother called the local sheriff who said he would pay John a visit.

After knocking on his door for a while and not hearing anything, the sheriff broke the door and inside the trailer, he saw what looked like John sleeping. However, judging by the smell, he knew that John was no longer alive.

Finding John’s Body

John’s body was positioned as though he was lying down on the couch watching TV with his arm under his head. The body was covered with a blanket from head to toe and the cause of death appeared to be two gunshot wounds to the head with a .22-caliber pistol.

