The Crisis Report — 02

The UN has confirmed that we are about to get a massive temperature spike.

Richard Crim
The Crisis Report


Now, the only question is “how hot is it going to get”?

South Dakota 1936 Dustbowl

So, we are in the opening stages of the “Climate Crisis” caused by the carbon bomb we have dropped on the planet over the last 170 years since 1850.

In 2000 we were at about 360ppm, now it’s at 420ppm

In just 170 years we dumped enough CO2 into the atmosphere to boost CO2 levels by 140ppm.

This is not “natural variation”. It is not a “normal” thing that regularly happens to the Earth. It is not comparable to any “natural process” of the Earth’s climate system.

We did this.

Using ice cores we have extremely accurate measurements of CO2 levels for the last 800,000 years.

Because we have a high resolution climate record in the Greenland ice sheet, we know with 100% certainty that CO2 levels for the last 800 thousand years have fluctuated between 180ppm and 280ppm. A range of about 100ppm.



Richard Crim
The Crisis Report

My entire life can be described in one sentence: Things didn’t go as planned, and I’m OK with that.