The 5 Best Wildlife Photographs I’ve Taken Recently

I needed to balance out the crappy ones

Alex Cooper
The Critter Feed


dipper bird perched on a rock in the river
Image by author

This article is the spiritual successor to my previous one, in which I went through some of the worst wildlife photos I’ve taken:

I’m all for a bit of self-deprecation. I’m fucking amazing at self-deprecation, in fact. But my ego cannot handle the thought that somewhere, someone might read that and think all my pictures suck, so I had to remedy that and showcase some of the half-decent ones.

Half-decent? More like mind-blowingly, earth-shatteringly, quit-your-job-just-to-have-more-free-time-to-look-at-these-photos amazing.

Oh. Maybe I’m not so good at self-deprecation. But hyperbole? Fuhgeddaboudit.

Jokes aside, I’m annoyed it took me so long to get into wildlife photography as a hobby. I’ve always enjoyed looking for, and writing about, interesting animals, but being able to photograph them makes it a lot more satisfying. Or a lot more frustrating, depending on how the trip goes.



Alex Cooper
The Critter Feed

Sporadic satirist and amateur wildlife photographer. Buy my pics here: