The Crobees
The Crobees
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2022




As you may have seen, the last bees joined the hive on Monday :

We are officially :

Only 2 words, but 2 great and powerful words.

Itā€™s been a long road from the launch of the project (creation of Discord and Twitter at the end of January) to now.

A lot of good moments and many adventures during which we have seen people become interested, involved, and spending time on our Discord. Supporting us on Twitter, liking, commenting or even systematically sharing our publications. The support of several actors of the blockchain #crofam.

Itā€™s always a nice feeling to see the community grow and the excitement of the last few days with the end of the mint boosts us even more !

So first of all, a big thank you from the bottom of our heart !šŸ™
Nothing is due in life and there is no better motivation than your unshakeable support !

(A special word for the few people who have not shown courtesy, we would like to thank you because you motivate us even more to prove you wrong)

A lot of steps, a few unforeseen events but mostly a lot of great work !
We didnā€™t wait until we were SOLD OUT to work and we can be proud of the following accomplishments :

  • Creation of a DAO
  • Launch and redesign of our website
  • Creation of our own token ($HONEY)
  • Creation of our own NFT staking system, on our website, to generate our token
  • Creation of the BEESHOP to buy items with the $HONEY
  • Creation of our lotteries with tickets buyable on the BEESHOP
  • Integration of a NFT mint with our token

Itā€™s true, itā€™s not nothing ! But we assure you that we always do it with passion (and a little sweat of course) !

Donā€™t worry, this little speech could give an impression of ā€œEndā€ but the sell out was the perfect opportunity to look back on the path weā€™ve already taken together. BUT if thereā€™s one direction weā€™re looking in, it is forward !


As you can see by looking at our ā€œpublicā€ roadmap, we have completed about 65% of it. We have an ā€œinternalā€ roadmap much more developed from BEEVOLUTION (which symbolizes the continuation of the project).
We use this (internal) roadmap to plan the next steps with the team and as a support in our exchanges with different actors of the chain we plan to work with. Soon you will have an article dedicated to the next steps of the roadmap.

Here is a summary of the steps to come :

In the very short / short term (next 2 weeks) :

  • Drawing of the Ebisus FM for the 50%-75%
    Among the people who have minted a NFT between the 50% and the 75%
  • Drawing of the bees for the 75%-100% (we decided to replace the initial prize by a crobees)
    Among the people who have minted a NFT between the 75% and 100%
  • Drawing for the Mad Meerkat TreeHouse giveaway
    Among people who minted at least 3 NFTs.

For all of these draws, snapshots have already taken place and the results will be published in the coming days.

  • Launch of a BeesWeek to celebrate the sell out and to compensate the slight delay of the 100 bees in $HONEY.
    Details to come, various challenges over one to two weeks with between 10 and 15 Crobees NFT to be won in total.

On the short to medium term (from September) :

  • Snapshot and Airdrop of the 30$HONEY by NFT (by NFT owned and not minted)
  • New items on the Beeshop
  • Rewards for bronze, silver, gold bees
  • Secret step 1 (in the Beevolution)
  • Secret step 2 (in the Beevolution)
  • Beedrop
  • Launchpad for $HONEY (an article to come)

This is a summary of whatā€™s to come, itā€™s far from containing our entire roadmap but rather serves as a reference for the next deadlines.

Regarding the $HONEY launchpad, we know itā€™s highly demanded and weā€™ve been working on it for a while now. We are looking for the best way to do it, potentially with an external actor and we are in discussion. Youā€™ll know more as soon as we have major updates.


Again, weā€™ll be more factual and technical on the next few mediums. But sometimes writing whatā€™s on our minds in a casual way is the best way to deliver a message. This article was meant to give an update on the project and to introduce the next steps, we hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to share them with us via Discord.
Once again thank you to our amazing community and letā€™s fly together to the moon !šŸ

Your Crobees Team.

Enter into the hive

Buy a Crobees:

