Spring Horoscopes

Christina Sauceda
The Crockett Courier
6 min readMay 23, 2022

By Jayda Garcia


(January 21 — February 18)

My unique and curious Aquarians, this year is going to be filled with opportunities for you to change the narrative that other people have about the meaning of life. You may be writing, or sharing, parts of your story that help other people to feel safer to open up themselves. If you are able to reflect and share your experiences with empowerment, you can expect to turn your mess into your message in 2022.


(February 19 — March 20)

Pisces, you are about to embark on a journey of self-discovery, and rather than finding the answer in rigid study and self-help books, you are waking up to the lessons found in moments of joy. Letting yourself savor your life a bit more will be the exact remedy your heart has been asking for all these years. Life does not need to feel loveless, love does not need to feel like work, and work does not need to consume your life. You will find many opportunities this year to remind yourself of how far you have come.


(March 21 — April 19)

The Aries year horoscope is all about dusting yourself off and getting back into life’s ring. If you’ve felt jaded by life recently, this year is going to bring redemption to any parts of your heart that you’re ready to mend. Use this year to release old belief systems and finally see the world as a blank canvas. You are not the things that have happened to you, you are a being worthy of love and abundance beyond your wildest dreams. Start by dedicating yourself to passion projects and people who light your soul on fire.


(April 19 — May 20)

Twenty twenty-two is sure to be a transformative year with the nodal shift and eclipse season occupying your sign throughout the year, Taurus. If you’ve been sitting in the background of your own life, this will be the year when your position finally changes and you start to see yourself as the main character that you always have been! Expect the unexpected when it comes to love, whether this is a surprise upgrade or completion of your existing relationship.


(May 20 — June 21)

Ah, my twins! This year will ask you to create a new level of stability and balance in your life. There will be less activation and triggering in the air for my Gems. Try to invite yourself to find comfort in the quiet. You could be slowing down on travel, responsibilities, obligatory relationships, and chaos into a much simpler lifestyle. Your nervous system will surely thank you!


(June 21 — July 22)

Cancers, this year is going to be full of social events and opportunities for you to connect deeply with others. Make sure that you’re taking proper care of your mental and emotional health along the way and that you’re giving yourself permission to intertwine rest into your daily experience, rather than waiting until you’re burnt out!


(July 22 — August 22)

Dearest Leos, what a time to be alive! This year is sure to be full of joy and celebration for you — and you are reliably ready to soak up life’s pleasures. However, the question this year is: Can you start to weather the storms of difficulty with that same willingness? You are sure to be surrounded by love, success, and good fortune this year. But your task will be to find the gray space, somewhere between being swept up by difficult moments or disengaging all together.


(August 22 — September 22)

Twenty twenty-two is about to be a year of deep transformational change, Virgo. No more self-doubt, you are ready for this! Expect your limitations to be lifted as life takes you higher and asks you to expand now more than ever. Whether you’ve been stagnant in love, professional life, finances, your living space, or your friend circle, discontent will be a thing of the past.


(September 22 — October 23)

Libra, 2022 for you will be a year of releasing guilt, shame, and self-deprecation. You are finally in a place where you can see how much of an obstacle your nagging thoughts can be, and will finally be ready to leave this behavior in the past. Treat this year as an opportunity for you to get to know yourself on a deeper and more intimate level than ever before. Start to become comfortable with journaling, recording voice notes of your thoughts to listen back to, or maybe try out mirror work (i.e., telling yourself how beautiful and truly special you are as you get ready in the morning). Allow your fear of loving yourself to dissolve.


(October 23 — November 22)

Scorpios, this year you are about to embark on a journey that wipes away all of the pain and misfortune that you’ve dealt with in the past. I sense that there are ex-lovers and old friends who need their access to your energy revoked. If you allow just about anyone and everyone to have access to your time, money, and energy…where will you be left? Depleted and frustrated. You cannot expect people to treat you differently from the way you allow them to. This will be a year of raising your cost of admission.


(November 22 — December 21)

2022 is arriving for you to embrace rest and relaxation after the last year and a half of illumination and activation from the Gemini-Sagittarius axis. We are now transitioning into the Taurus-Scorpio axis, which will call for you to root, release, and rehabilitate. Your spirit has been calling out to you for a while to revisit your childhood dreams and desires.


(December 21 — January 21)

Being so goal-oriented and driven, it can be tough for you to slow down and enjoy the pleasures of domesticity,but while the confident sun moves through your home zone which it has been doing for the last couple of weeks you have a sweet opportunity to do just that.It could be time to kick off a whole new chapter in which you feel more balanced while on your professional path and caring for your emotional well-being, sharing your thoughts with friends and loved ones comes more naturally.

