
All the While I’m Mad

A hot cross poem

The Crooked Circle
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2024


A cartoonish image of an angry dark blue bird flying in an orange-red sky. It has big black eyebrows. Art by Doodleslice 2024
Angry Blue, By Doodleslice 2024

You know, the angry kind
A bird with a beef
Dark eyebrows
Certain you’ve fucked up my day
So I peck

I could nest
I could rest
I could show you my best

Fuck that
I’m gonna peck

Ain’t I cute?
In my little blue suit?
A feather faced brute
You picked the wrong tree motherfucker


By Doodleslice 2024–06–22

Dear friends, I don’t even recognize myself sometimes.

I’m the guy who writes happy. Whimsy is the Doodleslice way, but lately my junk drawer keeps getting stuck sideways. I feel like I’m stuck in some endurance test of mild annoyances. It’s all small. All manageable. But the parade just keeps on marching.

Someone filled my junk drawer with a freight train. It’s wobbling and rumbling-grumbling, and in this June heat those steel wheels are screaming on the curves.



The Crooked Circle

Artist and Poet. Imperfectionist. I hope my poems and art bring you some joy. I believe you should be you - be an interesting Earthling. Be a beacon.