Mindfulness Poetry

Hammer or Nail?

I want to mindfully choose.

Emily Gibson
The Crooked Circle
Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2024


Photo by DevVrat Jadon on Unsplash

Today, I will act, not react. This day, I am a hammer, not a nail.” — Anonymous

Today, I choose to act
not be hostage to reaction.

I want to deftly deflect
that which isn’t mine.
I am soap, not sponge.

I plan to create warmth,
not chill with my presence.
I am stove, not ice box.

I crave minute moments,
notice details as I move.
I am bicycle, not high-speed rail.

I purposefully pause, reflect,
taste the wind while I write.
I am pencil, not typewriter.

Other days, I may choose
differently, with aforethought.
But today? I choose the hammer.

The anonymous quote above was in a daily meditation book. When I read it, my poet brain immediately started thinking of the other active/passive choices I might make. And this poem is the result.

Poem #162 of 2024.



Emily Gibson
The Crooked Circle

Poet, naturalist, long-distance cyclist, person with MS, teacher, fond of equines... The gift of my MS is poetry,. Absolutely 100% HI, zero AI.