College is Back, and I Bet You Forgot About the Downsides

Jesse Wharff
The Crossover
Published in
3 min readAug 18, 2017

It’s finally that time of year. This weekend, a majority of college students are making their way back to their favorite towns. The places where there are seemingly no rules, and a surprising amount of responsibility. As fun as it can be, we often forget what we did not miss about the college atmosphere.

This is going to sound really negative, but I promise I love college.

“Syllabooze” Week

I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong, or just taking the wrong classes, but my first week isn’t quite as worry free as everyone makes it sound. I have spent four semesters wandering into Syllabooze Week expecting a non-stop party, and for some reason I haven’t learned anything. Here I am about to be a junior, and here I am still expecting non-stop drinking, as if the syllabus takes more than 15 minutes during the first class to go over.

There’s nothing like getting your first assignment, then here come some psychos that live near you smashing 40s on the ground and screaming at you to go out.

Looks like you’re starting off behind in all your classes, because you won’t be able to turn down the chance to smash tables and jump off roofs with Chad and Tad, the frat bros.


Every single year, I emerge from summer with a decent amount of money to be spent, and at first it’s great. It’s great for everyone. We all have money, and our college educated brains don’t have the capacity to learn to save it. We are all loaded (both our wallets and our BAC) for about the first two or three weekends. Which is why I have the bold opinion that those are the best weekends of the entire year. Yep, it’s all downhill from here, especially your debit card balance.

New People

There’s gonna be new people, no matter who you are. If you’re a freshman, it’s all new. If you’re a transfer, it’s even worse, cause less people can relate to you. If you’re in a fraternity or sorority, it’s new members. No matter what, there are going to be a lot of new people that you become friends with, but let’s be honest, there will probably be more people that annoy the hell out of you.

Down Time

This is a big one if you are an incoming freshman. You’re not gonna be used to how much time you have to do whatever the hell you want, most often sleep or pick up a bad habit. For the first week or so, you’ll go adventure with your friends whenever you can, and go to the Rec Center all the time, and find stuff to do. But you just wait until the college student lifestyle kicks in.

You’re going to be lazy as hell, you’re going to eat too much and sleep too much, you will have a mountain of laundry as tall as you, and feel like a scumbag a lot of the time. When you realize you have hit this point, make sure to look back and remember how you planned to be the most efficient college student ever. We all told ourselves that.

Just remember to brace yourself.

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Jesse Wharff
The Crossover

Ohio University student, writer at Grandstand Central, Editor of The Crossover.