The Dirty Truth Of Kickstarter

Andrew Russell Birkett
The Crowdfunding Handbook
3 min readOct 21, 2015

So here is the dirty truth about Kickstarter.

Now that’s dirty!

So first thing is first, you need to build an excellent product or idea that others want. A sub-par product will not succeed on Kickstarter. A decent product might have a shot with the right marketing. However, a bad product will normally not fund (there are some ridiculous exceptions).

Potato Salad is popular!

It takes time. Right now it is just past midnight and I am still in my office. This is like an everyday kind of thing. You’ll never really stop working.

Time Is Limited — Spend It Wisely

Between school, my part-time job at New Scooters 4 Less (the best scooter store in Gainesville and probably the US), and work on Atheris Games I am probably clocking at about 100 hours a week. It definitely gets to me sometimes. It is not easy.

It is not all that uncommon for me to just breakdown. It happens.

If you want to be an entrepreneur I am not trying to scare you away, I will try to discourage wantrepreneurs though. You’re either in or you’re out. You can start a company or work for someone else. There is no in between. Entrepreneurship has a ton of risks, challenges and obstacles. However, and this is a big however… it is one of the most rewarding things in the world.

The joy I get when I see people excited about my project and when I see players laughing while playing Cul-De-Sac Conquest it all is worth it. Now with my recent Kickstarter funding so early on (and hopefully way overfunding over the next 24 days) I actually am able to start working on my dreams.

It is truly incredible I would not change this for the world. Kickstarter is an amazing platform that gives entrepreneurs more opportunities to start their companies debt free or relatively debt free and establish sales before looking for investors.

Though the idea that Kickstarters are easy to raise money for and that one can simply make a page real quick and gain support is ludicrous. Kickstarters are like a full-time job. You’ll have to constantly update your backers, provide stretch goals, contact the media, work to get family and friend’s support, work with local events to show case the product and try to generate additional pledges, and work on advertising and marketing the campaign.

It definitely is not easy, but when that little green bar goes full and the emails comes in saying ‘New Backer Alert!’ it is all worth it.

If you care to check out my campaign it is here:



Andrew Russell Birkett
The Crowdfunding Handbook

Entrepreneur, Chief Storyteller of Atheris Entertainment, Writer, Game Designer, Photographer.