Crowdpolicy: Fintech Innovation Enabler

Depy Douros
The crowdpolicy collection EN
5 min readJun 19, 2019

The development of financial technology and innovation aims to transform traditional methods of providing financial services into more direct, modern and innovative. The use of smart mobile phones and the Internet in general creates new conditions for access to financial services for everyone. Nowadays, a number of new start-ups are emerging to offer something new, while the majority of existing companies and financial institutions incorporate fintech solutions to improve their services.

At Crowdpolicy we have developed a set of technological and supportive services to promote financial engineering (fintech) in companies and organizations, both public and private, working as a Fintech enabler partner.

Our services are aimed at banks, payment institutions, companies and organizations that want to transform their business model and offer new modern services to their customers and are made up of A. modern IT solutions solutions and B. open innovation services that act as a catalyst for the integration, capitalization and optimization of information systems.

The services we provide:

  • Enable organizations to integrate financial technology solutions
  • Develop new digital products and services
  • Create new sources of revenue for Banks
  • Make the most out of existing infrastructures and information system
  • Transform regulatory obligations into diversifications opportunities
  • Lead the journey to digital transformation
  • Bridge the gap between organizations and local eco-system startups
  • Integrate fintech technologies and models in sectors of the economy and society, such as tourism, agriculture, transport, public administration and many more.

A. Our Services for fintech — IT Solutions

OpenAPI portal & PSD2 Compliance

The PSD2 European directive instructs Banks to develop Open Banking APIs on top of their existing infrastructure, in order to collaborate with certified third party providers (TPPs) to create new fintech applications and added value services for customers. OpenAPI portals offer fast-track PSD2 compliance with API-driven architecture, based on open standards that promote interoperability such as the Berlin Group and Open Banking UK. Using state of the art technologies, financial institutions can offer their services in a secure way to fintech developers and startups.

  • Seamless integration with core
    banking and existing systems and services
  • Compatibility with Berlin Group & Open Banking UK
  • Tools for PISPs & AISPs
  • Authentication and security
  • API server supporting the implementation of digital wallets, tokenization, crowdfunding and loyalty

Fintech SDK

In order to fully capture the value of fintech APIs, a well-designed Software Development Kit (SDK) can provide developers with essential tools to produce new applications more efficiently. Acting as a single hub of information for developers, fintech SDKs built on top of existing APIs can act as a new platform for case studies and application prototypes, while dramatically reducing development time and maintenance costs for new applications.

  • “Zero” code development and deployment
  • Compatible with existing APIs based on Berlin Group & Open Banking UK API standards
  • 10 dev frameworks supported (java, swift, android and more!)
  • Fintech POCs (wallet, chatbot, authentication)

KYC as a service

Financial institutions face challenges with their Know Your Customer (KYC) programs, as their regulatory requirements are increasing and the deprecated IT infrastructure struggles to manage large amounts of information. PSD2 Open Banking directive for example, requires extensive identity and regulatory checking of third party providers (TPPs) from multiple sources, which requires Banks to build new solutions to manage TPP validation. KYC-as-a-Service software extends the capabilities of financial institutions, without introducing changes in their existing model and processes. With distributed architecture, KYC software manages identification and regulatory checks in real-time, while increasing scalability and reducing costs.

  • eIDAS ready
  • Integration with 3rd party private and public sector platforms
  • Know your Customer and Know your Business!

Bank bots

Chat bot is a service that works through Facebook Messenger or the website of an organization and provides citizens with automated information about local community and everyday life issues. Citizens can interact with the chat bot and get answers regarding their Municipality, useful information such as local authority telephone numbers as well as general information such as events, pharmacies or the weather. The service is based on Botakis technology and is used by public or private organizations.

  • AI intelligent bots — automated operations intranet & extranet
  • Cross platform
  • Helpdesk support
  • Payments, push notifications - Loyalty schemes & added
    value services

Social Crowdfunding

The Crowdfunding platform is an innovative digital tool for collecting grants, donations and funds to develop and implement projects and initiatives of public or private organizations.

  • Donation crowdfunding platform to support CSR activities and match funding process
  • Compliance with legislation
  • Integrated with existing information systems

Crowd investing

  • Equity — lend crowdfunding platform to support IPOs or small enterprises
  • Compliance with legislation
  • Integrated with existing information systems

Β. Our Services for fintech — Open Innovation Banking

Bootcamp (1 day duration)

Solve fintech problems and digital transformation challenges in a structured way

Lean → design → thinking agile

Crowdhackathons (3 days duration)

  • Open innovation process
  • Connect with creative and dynamic communities and key stakeholders
  • Deep dive fintech mentoring

Accelerators (6 months duration)

  • Develop innovative business ideas and transform them into profitable fintech businesses
  • Support the use of open banking APIs
  • Develop POCs and innovation

Mathe Crowdpolicy

  • E-learning platform
  • White label
  • 10 core fintech and digital transformation lessons

