Do you want to take your super fintech idea to a higher level?

Eleni Fouka
The crowdpolicy collection EN
3 min readNov 13, 2017

Come to the specially designed 6-month program for accelerating teams and businesses in the growing industry of #fintech with mentoring, coaching, technical support and resources!

National Bank of Greece, in collaboration with the technology and innovation company Crowdpolicy, and the support of major technology companies and operators of the ecosystem, are organizing the business accelerator program be finnovative innovation lab.

The aim of the program be finnovative is to support fintech teams and companies, help them strengthen and accelerate their business and create commercial partnerships.

The program be finnovative is addressed to students, professionals, business executives and, in general, anyone wishing to develop their idea or methodology and turn it into a sustainable business model with a view to succeeding in the Greek market and then becoming extrovert.

The participating teams should develop their idea in the broader thematic area of fintech transactions, such as automated customer care systems (bots), mobile payments, blockchain, ΑΙ, e-commerce systems, ticketing, marketplaces, e-invoicing, loyalty platforms, crowdfunding, banking APIs, trading platforms, big data analysis etc. National Bank of Greece is particularly interested in ideas on micro-investments, roboadvisors and P2P/P2B payments.

Participation form — Submission of the participation form

What it offers

Through dedicated actions, the program be finnovative will provide participants with business and technology consultancy by experienced executives, bootcamps for developing special skills, improving ideas with the use of lean development methodologies, developing MVPs and prototypes, and collaborating with mentors, businesses and accelerators from abroad. Through the program, the upgraded Οpen Βank API of the National Bank of Greece will be utilized for the creation of new applications. Moreover, the program can provide the participants with additional resources, such as cloud services, cash prizes based on their performance in the program (this year the 1st and 2nd team will share € 10,000) and opportunities for commercial partnerships with the Bank and its partners.

Demo Day of the 1st cycle

Within a semester, the selected teams have the opportunity to acquire knowledge, experiences and opportunities for networking with key market executives, as well as access to office and other technology infrastructures so as to achieve a significant development of their ideas and eventually present them to investors on a Demo Day.

Time frame and steps

The submission of proposals by stakeholders and teams started on 25 October 2017 and ends on 20 November 2017 at 3 pm.

The teams selected after the submission of proposals will present their idea on the selection day, on Friday 1 December 2017, to the jury consisting of senior executives of the Bank and its partners.

The program be finnovative 2 will start on 11 December 2017.

If you are interested in participating, you can find more information and submit your participation form at the be finnovative innovation lab website

Contact — information — links

be finnovative site:

Process and Evaluation Criteria for selecting the final teams to present their idea on the selection day 1/12/2017

Facebook page

Contact form

