Greek Fintech Cluster to be funded under NSRF

Panagiotis Kinanlis
The crowdpolicy collection EN
2 min readOct 1, 2020

We are glad to announce that the proposal we submitted under “Promoting entrepreneurship through the creation of cooperative innovation clusters in the Region of Attica” Call, funded by the “Attica 2014–2020” Operational Programme, has been approved, receiving the highest ranking among all approved proposals (91 out of 100!).

It is an extremely positive outcome in our effort to support the Greek innovation ecosystem around fintech. Along with all partners and stakeholders of the Greek Fintech Cluster we will join forces with an extroverted orientation in order to develop innovative services and digital products for financial transactions.

Greek Fintech Cluster already consists of 12 members. Eight SMEs, four research organizations (IOBE, Regional Development Institute, Academy of Entrepreneurship & Hellenic Blockchain Hub) have signed the relevant Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), followed by large enterprises and financial institutions such as the National Bank to be involved in the next phase.

We also aim to welcome onboard an ecosystem of 600+ startups and development teams we have supported through hackathons, sandbox platforms and acceleration programs.

In the following weeks we will further refine the proposed actions with a specific timetable, starting with the creation of an online community through which everyone interested in Greece and abroad will be able to share with us ideas, knowledge and proposals for digital solutions.

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The project is co-funded by Greece and the European Union



Panagiotis Kinanlis
The crowdpolicy collection EN

Project Manager on EU funded projects | PhD Candidate @ Harokopio University