H2020 INFINITECH Stakeholders’ Webinar (On-Line) “Data Management: Infinitech case-studies”

Depy Douros
The crowdpolicy collection EN
3 min readMar 3, 2023

With great success the Stakeholders’ Webinar (On-Line) “Data Management: Infinitech case-studies” was concluded on February 23 2023. This was one of the H2020 INFINITECH Stakeholders’ Webinar that Crowdpolicy was presenting, with the goal to bring together leaders in the Open Banking and finance industries.

The keynote presentation was delivered by Vasiliki Diamantopoulou, Assistant Professor on Information Systems and Privacy, at Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering, University of the Aegean, Greece.

Mrs. Diamantopoulou introduced the attendees to topics around GDPR and the regulations that are now in place. She analyzed the processes that each organization needs to hold, and how they can make sure they are compliant with the regulatory requirements. In the end of her presentation, we had the attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the future of Data protection both in Europe and globally.

Next, Mrs Sabina Podkrižnik from JSI introduced us to the topic of Pseudoanonimization, and showed us an example of usage of the Pseudoanonimizer they have built. The audience had the chance to understand how the tool works and the difference between Pseudonymisation and anonymization processes.

In the following session, Mrs Inés Ortega Fernández from GRADIANT presented their Data anonymization tool, used by financial organizations, insurance companies and other players in the financial sector to run processes without access to the real data information of their clients.

Mr Roland Mayer and Mr Christian Hanley from Prive presented their AI GO — Personalized Portfolio Management, one of the pilots of the Infinitech Project. They showcased the way their tool works, and how they utilize anonymous data to improve their algorithms and offer a better service to their clients.

Last but not least, Mr Dimitris Miltiadou from UBITECH showed us a use case around the Consent Management System they have built, and explained the way they support their clients to stay compliant with the consent regulations. He also discussed future roadmap and potential use cases across the financial sector.

Thank you all for joining us!

🎬 Watch the video of the Webinar:

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