NBG i-bank #fintech2 crowdhackathon

Eleni Fouka
The crowdpolicy collection EN
4 min readNov 1, 2017

The results

The 2nd marathon for the development of applications on financial transactions “NBG i-bank #fintech2 crowdhackathon” was successfully held on 20–22 October.

Presentations to the evaluation committee and the audience

70 contestants in 18 teams participated in the crowdhackathon and implemented prototype applications in the field of fintech with the help of 60 experienced mentors.

Presentations to the evaluation committee and the audience

On Sunday afternoon the teams presented their applications to the evaluation committee and the audience, with the presence of NBG executives and sponsors. The evaluation committee decided to award prizes to the following teams.

Watch the teams’ presentations (video)

The teams’ presentations (pitching)

Prizes were awarded to the following teams:

  • 1st prize: € 5,000 in cash awarded by the National Bank of Greece to the team CEOs and their application for automated checkout and payments in shops.
The team CEOs
  • 2nd prize: € 3,000 in cash awarded by Mastercard to the team TheDisruptors and their application for interactive ordering and payments with the use of QR codes.
The team TheDisruptors
  • 3rd prize: € 2,000 awarded by Mellon Group of Companies to the team Bankcraft and their application for Microinvestments.
The team Bankcraft
  • 4th prize: a scholarship for MSc studies in Digital Innovation and Entrepreneurship worth € 2,500 awarded by the University of the Aegean to the team FINPI and their application Roboadvisor for the elderly.
The team FINPI
  • 5th award: a scholarship for MSc studies in Electronic Governance worth € 2,500 awarded by the University of the Aegean to the team PowerRanger and their peer-to-peer market application.
The team PowerRanger
  • 6th, 7th and 8th prize: scholarships worth up to € 3,300 each for the participation of young entrepreneurs in the program Εrasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, awarded by the Academy of Entrepreneurship to the team Penguins and their blockchain application, the team 404 Not Found and their investment planning assistant application, and the team GradeintAscent and their application for evaluating companies based on social feeds.
The team Penguins
The team 404 Not Found
The team GradeintAscent

All the above-mentioned teams qualify directly for the final phase of evaluation of the business accelerator “be finnovative”.

In addition, a special prize was awarded to the team i-tefteri and their application for Peer-to-Peer Payments, which is made up of NBG executives who will be awarded in the context of the internal innovation competition of the NBG i-dea.

The team i-tefteri

Watch the awards (video)


Michael Psallidas, Managing Director of Crowdpolicy, stated:

“We had a great time, we acquired knowledge and used new technologies. We saw high-level applications being implemented, which was exciting. Our sponsors supported the participants by providing APIs and systems useful for the implementation of applications.”

During a mentoring session

George Karamanolis, CTO/CIO of Crowdpolicy, stated:

“What impressed us most was that 20-year-old students are able to use complex technologies, such as blockchain networks. The collaboration between the teams and mentors resulted in impressive applications. We are excited and looking forward to receiving ideas and suggestions on the 2nd cycle of be finnovative.”

We would like to thank the 38 volunteers for their precious help. The NBG i-bank #fintech2 crowdhackathon was held with the technological support of the innovation company Crowdpolicy.

The evaluation committee

During the NBG i-bank # fintech2 crowdhackathon, APIs were presented in detail by the National Bank of Greece, Mastercard and IBM at the API Workshop. It should be noted that Mastercard sent 4 of its executives — mentors engaged in the development of APIs from Singapore.

API workshop

We would like to thank all the sponsors, the National Bank of Greece, Mastercard, Mellon Group, the University of the Aegean, the Academy of Entrepreneurship, EPSA, Kaizer and Distretto, IBM, Amazon and Microsoft for the technology infrastructures they provided, and our supporters IST College, Accenture, Athens Stock Exchange and the Hellenic Association of Computer Engineers (HACE).

Watch the marathon videos

See photos from the marathon

If you are interested in participating in a Crowdhackathon, you can find more information at www.crowdhackathon.com and fill in the form at https://goo.gl/XDEmge .

