đź’ˇ Open Day Sustainability Hackathon | March 22nd 2022 at 17:00 (EET)

Konstantina Psoma
The crowdpolicy collection EN
2 min readMar 18, 2022

Crowdpolicy invites you to the Open Day of Sustainability Hackathon in which the objectives, thematic areas and the process of the hackathon will be presented.

The Open Day will be held remotely using video conferencing tools on Tuesday, 22 of March 2022 at 17:00 (EET).

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The Open Day is open to all those interested in participating in the Hackathon’s process, as well as those who have ideas, solutions or wish to support the process as mentors, data providers or communication sponsors.

✔️ Check out the Agenda

17:00–17:20 | Welcome and Greetings by Mrs. Vasiliki Adamidou, Head of Corporate Communications and Responsibility, Lidl Hellas and Mrs. Angeliki Kosmopoulou, Executive Director, Athanasios K. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation.

17:20–17:40 | Sustainability and Entrepreneurship, good practices and suggestions — The Sustainability Hackathon Innovation Marathon — process, objectives and themes, Mr. George Karamanolis, Co-Founder & CTO/CIO, Crowdpolicy.

17:40–18:00 | The experience of participating in the Sup Free Hackathon of the 1st winning team and their development, ECOCup

18:00–18:30 | Discussion — Q&A

Sustainability Hackathon

The Sustainability Hackathon will be the second open innovation action aiming at community activation of society and businesses for the creation of original applications. These applications contribute to the education and development of business thinking around sustainability, and are the proposed theme of this hackathon, as well as the innovation workshop that will follow. The Sustainability Hackathon will take place on 15–17 of April 2022.

The Sustainability Hackathon is open to engineers, programmers, economists, analysts, environmentalists, researchers, students and business executives, individually or in teams, and in general, to anyone with an interest in issues related to sustainability goals, sustainability and entrepreneurship and interested in developing an integrated application.

📌 The Sustainability Hackathon is supported by Lidl Hellas, and the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation, in the context of the national campaign «Greece Without Single-Use Plastics»and under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, with the technological and organizational support of the Greek innovation company, Crowdpolicy.

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