The ideas for smart cities developed by the #smartcity2 teams

Eleni Fouka
The crowdpolicy collection EN
11 min readJul 19, 2018

The 2nd Innovation Marathon for Smart Cities of KEDE, City Challenge Crowdhackathon Smartcity 2, took place from June 28th to July 1st.

With more than 1,500 participants and 112 teams, City Challenge Crowdhackathon Smartcity 2 aimed to promote the development and digital transformation of the Local Government.

The ideas presented by the teams, each aiming to solve local problems and contribute to the development and digital upgrading of the local government, are of vital importance in an innovation marathon.

Here you can find out more about the ideas presented at the Marathon by field and team.

  1. Tourism Development
  • Show me your story: A tool that will provide a more complete image of the destination, thus providing added value for the visitor. The users of the application will be able to access information about points of interest (e.g. sights) in real time so that it will be easier for them to reach the destinations and get to know them in a more enjoyable way.
  • THE HEROES SPEAK: The sculptures — heroes tell their story. Watch the hero telling his story to get acquainted with his resume.
  • Drone not Drown: Drowning Reduction with timely detection of struggling swimmers and drone intervention. The users of our solution will be able to rent the smart bracelet and enjoy the sea without worrying. The Municipalities will be able to buy our full solution and keep swimmers safe.
  • Reception4U: An online facebook guide that speaks a lot of languages. The users of this solution will be able to find information about the sights of a destination in order to visit them and increase the amount they spend while on vacation.
  • Digital B: A digital look at our city. The users will be able to scan the QR to find out about the history of their city.
  • Budget Travel City: An application that allows the user to organize their holidays based on their available budget, time and interests. The users of our solution will be able to use it in order to organize their holidays by saving time and money.
  • Interest-Inc. : It is a platform for promoting socio-cultural information and local businesses. The users of our application will be able to browse interactive archaeological sites and historical monuments. At the same time, the promotion of local businesses will provide a more educational and interactive experience and it will also help boost the local economy.
  • Redefine: Location-based augmented-reality. The users of our solution will be able to use their mobile phone camera to improve their experience.
  • URBAN VR: Immersive VR Experiences for Citizens and Tourists. The users can navigate virtually in urban centers to explore the city they live in or visit.

2. Transparency and Accountability

  • Binalive: Monitoring and reporting of the level of waste, and monitoring of the life cycle of bins. The users will be aware of which bins are full so as to create the best pickup routes. They will also be able to monitor cleaners subcontractors.
  • For Greece, the name says it all. The users will be aware of the costs of every public procurement.

3. Energy Management — Lighting

  • Illumimatrix: Managing a street lighting network and electricity theft investigation that causes loss of revenue for public bodies. The users can detect electricity theft in their Municipality and manage the street lighting network to reduce revenue loss.

4. Water & Waste Management

  • iotwastemanagement: Smart rubbish bin. The users will be able to see the status of their bins and all the related data can be accessed through a web dashboard and analyzed through a web business intelligence software.
  • DPSD: Creating new perspectives and experiences in the recycling process. The users of our solution will know which bins near them are not full so that they can take their waste there, and they will also be able to take their leftovers to the compost bin so that the remaining garbage at home, which cannot be recycled, will not smell bad because of residues and food leftovers.

5. Smart Buildings — Low energy consumption buildings

  • Evolve: Smart building energy consumption management using AI. The users can apply our system to their premises and configure it to set the conditions they desire with the least energy consumption.

6. Entrepreneurship and Innovation

  • GameO/n: Sports social network. The users can book a stadium to exercise.
  • Liofyllo: Innovative and environmentally friendly material made with olive leaves. The users of our solution will be industries and agencies (furniture, packaging, decoration, tourism, insulation, etc.) that wish to replace polluting or non-environmentally friendly products with eco- friendly ones.
  • KATLAB: AUTOMATED PLANT CULTURE SYSTEM. The users of our solution (farmers) will be able to use our machine which will make production easier for them. They will be able to control their production remotely via their mobile phone or computer, while full control through environment sensors and the aeroponic technology allows the rapid and smooth growth of plants without additional pesticides.
  • R.A.D.I.O SAMOS: Innovative Implementable Value4Money. The users can indirectly use state-of-the-art technologies related to Drones (UAV) and GIS to exponentially facilitate already existing processes.
  • CityLive: Promoting social life and local economy. The users will enjoy exclusive offers and privileges in partner stores to save time and money and have an incentive to socialize.

7. Electronic payments and Crowdfunding

  • City²: Online crowdfunding platform for Municipality projects. The users of our solution will be able to donate money to help implement certain Municipality projects and make their city better.

8. Electronic services of Municipalities for citizens — e-Government — Open data

  • G-lts: City Payment Gateway. The users of our solution will be able to order non-intermediary products, pay their debts to the Municipality, and donate to the online social grocery store, which will make municipal services more flexible for everyone.
  • MySmartCity: A tool that helps save money and resources. The users can communicate with each other to meet municipal needs.
  • No Code Scheduled: Blockchain. The users can import their records to facilitate the processes of providing services and serving the citizens.
  • Smart Parking Services: Low Cost, High Innovation. The users can park easily and quickly to help reduce traffic congestion and air pollution.
  • SenseCity: Completion of the IBM Visual recognition and Social Network NBG API at neighborhood level. The administrators will be assisted by the auto-recognition solution of IBM and the users of our solution will be able to report problems in the city and their neighborhood.
  • DPSDE (Desparate People Study Design “Engineering”): Free Wi-fi sharing platform. The users of our solution will be able to offer and receive free data to create a collective sharing network.
  • Movability: Facilitating the mobility of people with disabilities within cities. The users can search for the most convenient routes as well as cities with good infrastructure to make traveling and their lives, in general, easier.
  • smartup: An anthropocentric and positive approach to activating citizens. Citizens can actively participate in improving the environment in which they live so that society as a whole can turn into a smart form of the future.
  • THAZA: Drone supervisor for the immediate solving of daily routine problems. The users can record problems with the help of their mobile phone and, also, participate in volunteer groups that will be informed by our system so that they can intervene and improve their lives.

9. Electronic Health — Telemedicine — Telemonitoring

  • Mcubed: Smart Harness + Feeder for guardians of stray animals. The users of our solution will be able to buy the smart harness and check the smart feeders to be informed about the health and quality of life of the stray animals in their neighborhood.

10. Social and Local Development — Innovation in Social Development

  • THE CHILDREN’S ART GALLERY OF GREECE: COLLECTION, RECORDING AND PROMOTION OF CHILDREN’S ART IN GREECE. The users can use the variety of educational material provided to create works of art and exhibit them all over the world.
  • Smart Spatial Networks: Smart Spatial Networks. The users can design policies in various fields to make decisions on local and regional development matters for the benefit of the community.
  • School24/7: A networking tool for schools and Municipalities in a safe, extroverted, and organizational environment. School Committees could use our solution to improve their services to schools.
  • GMx2: ADDRESSING LOCAL GOVERNMENT ISSUES. The users of our solution will be able to call a private or public service directly in their premises to serve their needs more easily.
  • ALLERTia: Feel Safe, Worry Less, Live More. The users of our solution will feel free to practise their hobbies and not worry about older relatives / friends who live alone.
  • Stavros Stavridis: Creating an open source and providing instructions for smart devices. The users can utilize the opportunities we offer to improve the social standard of living.
  • PrivaSI: Providing an open source and instructions for implementing smart devices. The users will have access to the server to track data of their interest.
  • CORES: WebGIS application for managing natural disasters. The heads of the Municipality’s coordination center will be able to effectively manage the vehicles, machinery and rescue staff at their disposal by using statistical data (population and building census)and geological data, prioritizing heatmaps (depicting areas with the highest probability of having more incidents requiring rescue) and contacting citizens to ensure there will be no more victims, or if this is not feasible, to reduce the number of victims while protecting vulnerable social groups (people with disabilities, children, the elderly). The people using the application via their computer or mobile phone can find out about dangerous situations through the use of photos, look for missing persons through amber alert, be informed about the needs of the healthcare facilities so that they can directly offer their help and be informed about the Municipality actions.
  • Perpato: Mapping People with Disabilities. The users can access the data in the case of a natural disaster and use it to intervene and help people through the most appropriate means.
  • CityZoo: Addressing animal issues in the city. The users can record their pets or even stray animals they meet.
  • The Place: System for sorting and managing recyclable waste using AI. Thus, the users of the application can easily recycle.
  • KalamataMove: A platform for recording and highlighting the access points of the city. The users can use the application to find accessible points.
  • Pineza: Improving the conditions in the city by informing other citizens. The users can mark on the map areas where they felt uncomfortable (or where other incidents occured) to help others and themselves in the future.

11. Transport (electromobility, gas-powered vehicles, hybrid-vehicles) and Public Transport

  • Smart Card: Smart Card for Public Transport. The users will be able to use public transport more often, which is cheaper and more ecological.

12. Protection of the Environment & Resource Management

  • MEAZON: Open service for the automation of street lighting and irrigation dimming using open Internet data. The users of the solution will be able to use publicly available data and messengers, such as slack, to set the automation point using opensource scenario building applications, such as Node Red.
  • NaturAll: Sensors in stray animals as a means of environmental monitoring and protection. The users of our solution will be able to address the issues of stray animals and the environmental degradation of the city and receive continuous data to protect the animals.
  • Dogs’ Voice: Do you want to help a stray animal? Municipalities and citizens can do it together! The users can receive targeted guidance if they find a stray animal in their city so that it can receive veterinary care, pay a minimum amount of money per year for urgent expenses required for the city’s stray animals, easily find and adopt one, become pet sitters and earn an income helping them and, finally, increase their welfare level.
  • Clean That Mess (CTM): Social offer by clearing the sea. Our application helps collect surface waste to improve our living standard.
  • Sakkas School: The trees are talking to us. The users can spot green spaces in need of protection to directly intervene in a targeted way.
  • AdRi@n: reAl-time crowDsourced uRban solId wAste maNagement (AdRi@n). The users of this solution will be able to provide information about the waste in the bins to have a cleaner city.
  • Bits N ‘Bytes: Sensor and municipal environment-related data analysis system. The users will be able to use the application in order to get useful information about environmental indicators.
  • EcoAI: Crowdsourcing — recycling and reuse of materials based on AI. The users of our solution will be able to photograph products for recycling to transfer data to the Municipality, get loyalty points for redemption in commercial businesses, and learn to properly recycle and sort recyclable materials -IMDG code items. *
  • AirLytiQs: Very high spatial accuracy of air quality data open for all. The users can be informed about the air quality and environmental conditions to take advantage of them or protect themselves accordingly.
  • Remote Sensing Group (mrsg): Creation of a prediction model for calculating the best UAV flight conditions in the marine environment. The users will be able to select the date they want to fly their UAV, and any other parameters they are interested in, so that they can collect reliable information in the marine environment.

13. Telematics — Transport Networks — Road Networks — Traffic Management

  • Irish crossings: Automatic traffic diversion due to water accumulation. The citizens will not be in danger after heavy rainfall.
  • BugLife: Road Traffic Management which can be controlled by the Municipality. The users of our solution will be able to feed our system and, by extension, the Municipality with information to ensure that there is no traffic congestion.
  • S.U.R.VI.V.E: System for recording and monitoring red light violations to enhance road safety.
  • RoadBOT: Early warning system for drivers/pedestrians, automatic parking control. The users of our solution will be warned of dangers and infringements as they travel around the city in order to prevent risks and improve driving behavior.
  • invicta: Recommended speed to efficiently and continuously avoid red traffic lights. The users of our solution will be able to use our application while driving so as not to have to stop in red traffic lights.
  • SMC: AI Video identification of accidents and violations with the use of cameras. Our system is artificial intelligence that supervises the city and rural roads for incidents and violations. For example, in the case of an accident, the system records and sends the necessary information to the police and the hospital that is in the area for immediate treatment. Road traffic offences are very important because they are directly linked to the safety of citizens. In the event of an offence (e.g. not using a helmet, etc.), the vehicle registration plate and the captured photograph are automatically detected so that emails or SMS messages will be immediately sent to the offender’s mobile phone. In this way, the human resources of the police can deal with more important cases, and at the same time, citizens abide by the Highway Code and fewer accidents occur. Consequently, we make cities safer and more modern for the citizens.
  • logic loop: System for preventing accidents caused by drivers under the influence of alcohol in car parks. The users can check the alcohol levels in their blood to make sure they are allowed to drive.

14. Local Economy and Sustainable Development

  • Canbuddy: Robotic Aluminum Recycler. The users can recycle metal cans, be informed and rewarded.
  • Kos-Worker: Combating unemployment. The users will be able to find jobs in Kos and entrepreneurs will find employees.

15. Value-added services for businesses

  • LiosElectronics: Telemetry System for Wastewater Pumping Stations (MindThePump). The users can install the system that we designed based on the existing equipment to take advantage of the information it produces through the sensors to ensure proper pump operation, prevent pump failures and tank overflow and drastically reduce maintenance costs thanks to the timely diagnosis of problems and statistical observation of measurements.
  • SOSplanning: Spatial optimization of students in school units. The users can easily apply appropriate procedures to make fair decisions on student allocation.

You can watch the presentations here:

Related links:

  1. The results of City Challenge Crowdhackathon Smartcity 2:
  2. Photos:
  3. Video of City Challenge Crowdhackathon Smartcity 2:

