The Infinitech Hackathon: Open Day was completed with great success

Konstantina Psoma
The crowdpolicy collection EN
3 min readMay 27, 2022

The Infinitech Hackathon: Open Day was organised virtually by Crowdpolicy, on 24th May 2022. The aim of this event was to discuss the goals, mechanics and processes of the biggest European fintech Hackathon, Infinitech Hackathon that will be held on 16th & 17th June 2022, remotely.

Watch the Video:

The Open Day kicked off with an introduction Video about Infinitech European Project.

Mr. Vasilis Koukos, Research Assistant at University of Piraeus, introduced the multi-sided market platform, the infinitech marketplace, explained how it works and he talked about the Virtualized Digital Innovation Hub (VDIH) services.

Mr. Vasilis Koukos, Research Assistant at University of Piraeus

Mrs. Fenia Soula, Co-founder of Dataphoria, shared Dataphoria’s experience in participating in a hackathon. She stated that the ultimate gain of this procedure is not only to develop new ideas, but to accelerate existing ones, too.

Mrs. Fenia Soula, Co-founder of Dataphoria and Mr. Theo Kotzastavros, Open Innovation Lead at Crowdpolicy

Mr. Theo Kotzastavros, Open Innovation Lead at Crowdpolicy, briefly presented the processes and challenges of the Infinitech Hackathon giving a better overview of how it will work.

Mr. Theo Kotzastavros, Open Innovation Lead at Crowdpolicy

About the Infinitech Hackathon

The Infinitech Hackathon is one of the open innovation actions organised in the context of the “Infinitech Project”, a joint effort of global leaders in ICT and finance towards lowering the barriers for BigData/IoT/AI driven innovation, boosting regulatory compliance and stimulating additional investments.

The 2-day innovation hackathon event takes place remotely on 16th & 17th June 2022. The aim of the Infinitech hackathon is to create prototype applications and solutions through technology tools, innovative ideas and methodologies that can be applied to the campaign actions, daily life and operation of businesses, giving participants the opportunity to build their own assets and contribute to Infinitech’s Marketplace.

We invite everyone from the private and public sector, startups, students and anyone else who is interested in participating in the biggest European fintech Hackathon to join us!

📌 The Infinitech Hackathon will be held in the framework of the INFINITECH EU Project, co-organized by Crowdpolicy, Innov-acts and University of Piraeus.

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