Adam’s Religion in Local Thing’s

3 min readNov 6, 2021


A satanic association was formed inside Bangladesh. Which later debuted as “Adam’s religion”. We know almost nothing about this.
The founder of this religion was well known as “Anwar Darvesh”. At first he gained fame in the area as a saint. Several people also became his disciples. Suddenly, however, Anwar’s thoughts and behavior began to change drastically. He started openly opposing Islam. He called the last prophet of Islam the representative of Satan (Nawzubillah).

It is known that the people around him put him in solitary confinement because of his strange beliefs. But in fact he himself voluntarily “boycotted” the neighbors.

Gradually he was working to make his new religion complete. He continued to formulate different methods of worship, suras, various rules and regulations. He initiated all the members of his family into his religion. Being a pir in the first place, many of his disciples were also initiated into this religion. Their secret religion continues.

The main theme of their practice was “Kufri Kalam”. After Anwar Darvesh dies, other members of their family try to present his soul. The spirit of Anwar Darwish appears and they are instructed to “commit suicide together”. In this way their souls will be able to collectively attack the soul of Muhammad SAW. Strange as it may sound, this was the truth for them.

July 11, 2006 The local train named GM Express 254 Down runs regularly from Jagannathganj station in Jamalpur to Mymensingh. Driver (Loco Master) Abdul Matin and Md. Enayet Khan are running the train today. When the train arrives at Itkhola in Kashar area of ​​Mymensingh municipality, the time on the clock is 3:10 p.m. Suddenly, the drivers saw a group of men and women approaching the railway line from the left side of the railway line.

A total of 9 people. Men, women, children — all members of the same family. They sat quietly along the railway line.

At first the drivers did not understand anything. Later he noticed that they were not actually crossing the railway line, they were sitting on top of the railway line. The driver whistled. They are not straight from the line. The drivers realized they were all going to commit suicide. The train broke the emergency. But by then it was too late. The train came to a halt with 9 people in front of it.
Police later conducted an investigation and discovered some documents inside his house. Various information was recorded in those documents.

Inside a diary was written in English: “We are the only family in the world who are independent and self-reliant. Mohammed is outside the law and out of all the activities of all religions. So who are we? We are Adam. “

It was also written -

“Adam is the truth above all, I will arrange the trial of the oppressed.”

Anwar passed away before the saint died. A part of the will is given below:

“No one will perform my janaza after my death. No one will bathe me and I will not be clothed in shrouds. I will be buried in the same house with the clothes I will die in. When you bury me in the grave, my Turn my head to the east, my feet to the west, and my face to the south. I will take revenge if this instruction is violated. “

Luckily the author secretly collected a manuscript from a follower of this religion for some money. Get some terrible information with that. In this book, the author has tried to present that information to the reader. “

Originally published at on November 6, 2021.

