In the Shadows of Harran

Masnun Jamil
24 min readMay 5, 2023


Chapter 1: The Beginning

Kyle Crane was sitting in his office when his phone rang.

“Hello?” he answered.

“Kyle, this is the Global Relief Effort. We have a new assignment for you.”

“What is it?” Kyle asked.

“We need you to go to the quarantine zone in Harran, Turkey. There’s been a security breach and a top-secret file has been stolen by one of our rogue operatives. We need you to retrieve it.”

Kyle hesitated for a moment. The quarantine zone was a dangerous place, and he knew that the GRE wasn’t always on the up-and-up.

“What’s in it for me?” he asked.

“A big payday, Kyle. Enough to set you up for life.”

Kyle thought about it for a moment. He could use the money, and he was confident in his ability to handle himself in a dangerous situation.

“All right,” he said. “I’ll do it.”

“Good. We’ll send you the details of the mission shortly. Be careful, Kyle. This isn’t going to be easy.”

Kyle arrived in Harran a few days later. The quarantine zone was surrounded by walls and guarded by armed soldiers. He had to go through a rigorous security check before he was allowed to enter.

Once inside, Kyle saw the devastation that the outbreak had caused. The streets were empty, and the buildings were in disrepair. The only signs of life were the infected, who roamed the streets like animals.

Kyle made his way to the safe zone, where he was greeted by Ezgi, a young woman who worked for the GRE.

“Welcome to Harran,” she said, smiling. “I’m Ezgi. You must be Kyle.”

“That’s right,” Kyle said. “I’m here to retrieve the file.”

“I’ll help you with that,” Ezgi said. “But first, let’s get you settled in.”

Kyle and Ezgi walked through the safe zone, which was a small, fenced-in area that had been fortified against the infected. They passed by a group of survivors, who were huddled together around a fire.

“Hey, Ezgi,” one of them called out. “Who’s the new guy?”

“This is Kyle,” Ezgi said. “He’s here to help us.”

The survivors nodded in greeting, but Kyle could tell that they were wary of him. He didn’t blame them; he was a stranger in a dangerous place.

As they walked, Kyle couldn’t help but notice how beautiful Ezgi was. Her dark hair framed her face perfectly, and her eyes sparkled in the sunlight. He found himself hoping that they would have more time to get to know each other.

Chapter 2: Arrival in Harran

As Kyle’s plane touches down in Harran, he looks out the window at the city below. It’s clear that something is very wrong. The streets are empty, the buildings are in disrepair, and there is a heavy sense of unease in the air.

Kyle gathers his things and heads out of the airport. He quickly finds himself in the middle of a large crowd of people, all pushing and shoving to get out of the area.

“What’s going on?” Kyle asks one of the locals.

“There’s been an outbreak,” the man responds. “Some kind of virus. The military has the city on lockdown.”

Kyle nods, feeling a sense of dread wash over him. He makes his way to the quarantine zone and shows his credentials to the guards at the entrance.

“Welcome to Harran,” one of them says, handing Kyle a map of the area. “You’re on your own in there, buddy.”

Chapter 3: The Search Begins

Kyle makes his way through the quarantine zone, searching for any sign of the rogue GRE operative. He talks to the locals, trying to gather information about where the man might be hiding.

After several hours of searching, Kyle comes across a group of survivors huddled together in an abandoned building.

“We’ve been waiting for someone like you,” one of them says. “We have information about the GRE operative you’re looking for.”

Kyle sits down with the group and listens as they tell him what they know.

“He’s holed up in an old warehouse on the outskirts of the city,” one of them says. “But it’s heavily guarded. You’ll need help if you’re going to get in there.”

Kyle nods, knowing that he can’t do this alone. He agrees to work with the survivors to take down the guards and retrieve the top-secret file.

Chapter 4: The Attack

Kyle and the survivors make their way to the warehouse, moving stealthily through the streets to avoid detection. When they reach the building, they see that there are several armed guards patrolling the perimeter.

“We need to take them out quietly,” Kyle says. “We don’t want to alert anyone to our presence.”

The group splits up, each member taking out a guard with a silent takedown. They quickly make their way into the warehouse, where they find the rogue operative.

“You’re too late,” the man says, holding up the file. “The information has already been passed on.”

Kyle lunges at the man, but he dodges out of the way and runs towards the exit. Kyle and the survivors give chase, but they are ambushed by a group of infected.

Chapter 5: Fighting for Survival

Kyle and the survivors find themselves surrounded by infected, fighting for their lives. They use whatever weapons they can find to fend off the horde, but it’s clear that they are outnumbered.

“We need to get out of here!” Kyle shouts, as he shoots at the infected.

The survivors follow Kyle as he leads them through the streets, trying to find a way out of the quarantine zone. They come across a group of soldiers, who agree to help them escape in exchange for the top-secret file.

Kyle reluctantly hands over the file, knowing that he has failed in his mission. As they make their way out of the quarantine zone, he can’t help but feel a sense of guilt for not being able to retrieve the information.

Epilogue: A New Mission

Kyle returns to the GRE headquarters, where he is debriefed on his mission. He is told that the information contained in the file was a potential cure for the virus that had ravaged Harran.

“We need you to go back to Harran,” the GRE representative says.

“I understand your concerns, but I assure you that our organization is doing everything possible to contain the outbreak,” Dr. Zere said.

Kyle raised an eyebrow, skeptical of the doctor’s words. “And yet the situation here in Harran seems to be getting worse every day.”

“I won’t deny that the virus has been spreading rapidly,” Dr. Zere admitted. “But we have a plan to contain it. And that’s where you come in, Mr. Crane.”

Kyle leaned forward, intrigued. “What’s the plan?”

“We need you to retrieve a file that was stolen by one of our operatives,” Dr. Zere explained. “It contains crucial information about the virus and the outbreak. We believe it’s in the hands of a man named Kadir Suleiman, a former GRE operative who went rogue.”

“Why me?” Kyle asked.

“Because you’re the best we have,” Dr. Zere replied. “You’ve proven yourself time and time again in the field. You’re resourceful, skilled, and you know how to get things done.”

Kyle considered the doctor’s words for a moment before nodding. “Alright, I’ll do it. But I want to be paid upfront, and I want hazard pay on top of that.”

Dr. Zere nodded. “Agreed. We’ll wire the funds to your account as soon as we receive confirmation that you’ve retrieved the file. And we’ll pay you an additional sum for any hazards you encounter in the field.”

Kyle stood up from his chair and extended his hand. “Deal.”

Dr. Zere shook his hand. “Thank you, Mr. Crane. You’re doing a great service to humanity by undertaking this mission.”

Kyle grinned wryly. “Don’t get too sentimental, Doc. I’m doing it for the money.”

As Kyle left the doctor’s office, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of trepidation. He had a bad feeling about this mission, but he couldn’t put his finger on why. All he knew was that it was going to be a lot more dangerous than he had anticipated.

As Kyle was packing his bags and getting ready to leave, his phone rang. It was the GRE again.

“Kyle, we’ve got a change of plans. We need you to meet with a Dr. Zere when you arrive in Harran. He has some information that could be vital to your mission.”

“Who is Dr. Zere?” Kyle asked.

“He’s a researcher who has been studying the virus that caused the outbreak. He might be able to give you some insight on how to handle the situation.”

“Got it. I’ll make sure to look him up when I get there.”

“Good luck, Kyle. Remember, the file is top priority. We’re counting on you.”

Kyle hung up the phone and finished packing his bags. He had a feeling this mission was going to be a lot more complicated than he initially thought.

The flight to Harran was long and uneventful. Kyle spent most of the time trying to get some sleep, but his mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of the mission. When he finally arrived in Harran, he was met by a team of GRE operatives who escorted him to a safe house.

“Welcome to Harran, Kyle,” one of the operatives said. “I’m Rahim. We’ve been expecting you.”

“Thanks,” Kyle said. “I’m ready to get to work.”

“Great. But first, we need to get you some gear. Follow me.”

Rahim led Kyle to a room filled with weapons, gear, and supplies.

“Pick out what you need. We’ll be heading out in an hour.”

Kyle selected a rifle, a pistol, and a machete. He also grabbed some medical supplies and food. He was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Kyle stepped out of the car and took a deep breath of the cold, damp air. He looked up at the towering walls that surrounded the city and couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding. This was going to be a difficult mission, but he was determined to see it through.

He approached the gate and was met by a group of armed guards. They scrutinized him for a few moments before one of them spoke.

Guard: “What’s your business here?”

Kyle: “I’m here on a mission for the GRE. I need to retrieve a top-secret file that was stolen by one of your operatives.”

Guard: “We’ve had a lot of outsiders coming in lately, looking to make a quick buck. You’re going to have to prove that you’re here for legitimate reasons.”

Kyle: “I understand. Just let me through and I’ll get this over with as quickly as possible.”

The guard hesitated for a moment before nodding and signaling for the gate to be opened. Kyle stepped through and was immediately hit with the stench of decay and death. He tried not to let it get to him as he made his way through the streets, keeping a close eye on his surroundings.

As he walked, he noticed that the people around him were all infected with some kind of virus. They shambled about aimlessly, their eyes vacant and their skin pallid. Kyle couldn’t help but feel a sense of pity for them, but he knew that he couldn’t let his guard down.

He eventually made his way to a safe house and was greeted by a woman named Jade. She was young, with short brown hair and bright green eyes that sparkled with intelligence.

Jade: “You must be Kyle. I’m Jade. The GRE told me to expect you.”

Kyle: “Yeah, that’s me. I’m here to retrieve a stolen file.”

Jade: “I know. But before we get into that, there’s something you need to know.”

Kyle: “What is it?”

Jade: “The city is overrun with infected. It’s not safe out there, especially at night. You need to be careful if you want to make it out of here alive.”

Kyle: “I understand. Trust me, I’m no stranger to danger.”

Jade nodded, her eyes narrowing as she studied him.

Jade: “Good. Because you’re going to need all the skill you can muster if you want to get that file back. The operative who stole it is a man named Kadir Suleiman. He’s a ruthless bastard who will stop at nothing to keep that file out of the GRE’s hands.”

Kyle: “I’m not afraid of him. Where can I find him?”

Jade: “He’s holed up in an old hotel in the center of the city. It won’t be easy to get to him, but I know you’re up to the task.”

Kyle nodded, feeling a sense of determination settle over him.

Kyle: “I’ll get that file back, no matter what it takes.”

Jade: “I hope so. Lives depend on it.”

With that, Jade handed Kyle a map of the city and a walkie-talkie.

Jade: “This will help you stay in touch with me and the rest of the survivors. Good luck, Kyle. You’re going to need it.”

Kyle nodded. “I’m in.”

Jade gave him a small smile. “Great. We’ll go over the details on the way there.”

They quickly gathered their supplies and made their way to the entrance of the safe zone. Kyle couldn’t help but feel a sense of unease as they stepped out into the city. The streets were eerily quiet, with only the occasional groan of a distant infected echoing through the air.

Jade noticed his hesitation and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Don’t worry, Kyle. We’ve done this before. Just stick to the plan and we’ll be fine.”

Kyle took a deep breath and nodded, steeling himself for what lay ahead. As they began to make their way towards the GRE outpost, he couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched.

After a few blocks, they reached the entrance to the outpost. Kyle’s heart was pounding as they approached the guards.

“Halt! What’s your business here?” the guard asked, eyeing them suspiciously.

“We’re here to see Colonel Rais. We have important information for him,” Jade replied smoothly, holding up a folder.

The guard hesitated for a moment before nodding. “Alright, go ahead. But be careful, the Colonel’s not in the best mood today.”

Kyle and Jade made their way through the outpost, trying to keep a low profile. They finally reached the room where the file was being held. Kyle carefully picked the lock and they slipped inside.

The room was empty except for a single desk, where the file was sitting. Kyle quickly grabbed it and they turned to leave, only to find Colonel Rais blocking their path.

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Rais sneered, eyeing them up and down.

Jade stepped forward, holding up her hands. “We have what you want, Colonel. Just let us leave and nobody has to get hurt.”

Rais chuckled darkly. “Oh, I don’t think you understand how things work around here. You two are going to stay with me for a while. We have some… unfinished business to take care of.”

Kyle and Jade exchanged a worried glance as Rais motioned for his men to move in.

Suddenly, a loud explosion rocks the building, causing Kyle to lose his balance and fall to the ground. He quickly gets up and rushes towards the window to see what is happening outside.

Kyle: (shouting) “What the hell was that?”

Ezgi: (also looking out the window) “I don’t know, but it doesn’t look good. We need to get out of here.”

Kyle: “Agreed. Let’s move.”

Kyle and Ezgi rush out of the apartment and make their way down the stairs. As they exit the building, they are confronted by chaos in the streets. People are running in all directions, screaming and shouting.

Kyle: (to Ezgi) “Stay close to me. We need to find a way out of here.”

Ezgi: “I’m not leaving your side.”

As they make their way through the streets, they are attacked by a group of infected individuals. Kyle and Ezgi fight them off using whatever weapons they can find, but it’s a losing battle. They are outnumbered and outmatched.

Kyle: “We need to get to higher ground. Maybe we can find a way out from there.”

Ezgi: “Okay, let’s go.”

They manage to fight their way through the infected and make it to a tall building. They climb to the rooftop and look out at the city. It’s a scene of total destruction. Buildings are on fire, cars are overturned, and the streets are littered with debris.

Kyle: “We need to find a way out of here, and fast. The city is lost.”

Ezgi: “But where do we go?”

Kyle: “There’s an airfield not too far from here. We can try to make it there and find a way out of the country.”

Ezgi: “Okay, let’s go.”

They make their way down from the rooftop and back into the streets. The infected are everywhere, but Kyle and Ezgi manage to fight their way through. As they run towards the airfield, they come across a group of survivors who are also trying to escape.

Survivor: “Hey, you two! Wait up!”

Kyle: “What do you want?”

Survivor: “We’re trying to get to the airfield too. We could use your help.”

Kyle: “Fine, but you stay close to us.”

They join forces and continue towards the airfield. The journey is long and treacherous, but they manage to make it there. However, they soon realize that the airfield is not a safe haven as they had hoped. It is overrun by the infected, and the only plane that is still operational has been taken over by a group of hostile survivors.

Kyle: “We’re not going to make it out of here by plane. We need to find another way.”

Ezgi: “But where do we go?”

Kyle: “There’s a boat dock not too far from here. We can try to make it there and find a way out by sea.”

Survivor: “That’s a good idea. Let’s go.”

They make their way towards the boat dock, fighting off infected and hostile survivors along the way. Finally, they reach the dock, and to their relief, they find a boat that is still operational.

Kyle: “This is it. This is our way out of here.”

Ezgi: “But what about the others?”

Kyle: “We can’t save everyone. We need to think about ourselves. Get on the boat.”

They quickly board the boat and start it up. As they pull away from the dock, they look back at the city, knowing that they may never see it again.

Kyle and Jade made their way back to the Tower, weaving through the infected as they went. As they walked, Kyle couldn’t help but feel a growing sense of unease. He had a feeling that this was only the beginning, and that things were going to get a lot worse before they got better.

As they entered the Tower, they were greeted by the other survivors who had heard about their successful mission. Rahim, the young man who had initially welcomed Kyle to the Tower, ran up to them with a huge grin on his face.

“Kyle, Jade, you guys did it! I can’t believe you actually retrieved that file. The GRE is going to be so happy,” Rahim exclaimed.

Kyle smiled weakly, still feeling uneasy. “Yeah, about that… I don’t think the GRE is going to be too happy with what we found,” he said.

Rahim’s smile faltered. “What do you mean? What did you find?”

“We found out that the GRE knew about the outbreak in Harran before it even happened. They were conducting secret experiments here,” Jade said.

Rahim’s face fell. “That’s… that’s terrible. But at least we have the file now, right? Maybe we can use it to get the GRE to help us.”

Kyle shook his head. “I don’t think it’s that simple. The file contains evidence that the GRE was involved in the outbreak. They’re not going to want that information getting out.”

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots echoed through the Tower, interrupting their conversation. Kyle and Jade shared a look, both knowing that trouble was brewing.

“We need to go see what’s happening,” Kyle said, already starting to run towards the source of the gunfire.

Jade followed closely behind, her heart racing with fear and adrenaline. As they reached the ground floor of the Tower, they saw chaos unfolding before them. The infected had breached the walls, and the survivors were fighting for their lives.

Kyle and Jade jumped into the fray, using their skills to take down the infected and protect the other survivors. But it soon became clear that they were outnumbered, and they were quickly running out of ammunition.

Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a group of soldiers wearing hazmat suits burst into the Tower, wielding high-powered weapons.

“Everyone, get behind us!” one of the soldiers yelled.

Kyle and Jade joined the other survivors in hiding behind the soldiers, watching in awe as they effortlessly took down the infected with ease.

As the last of the infected fell, the leader of the soldiers approached Kyle and Jade.

“We’re the GRE. We received your distress signal and came as fast as we could,” he said.

Kyle looked at Jade, both of them still in shock at what had just happened.

“What do we do now?” Jade asked.

Kyle took a deep breath, steeling himself for what was to come. “We need to tell them everything we know about what’s going on in Harran. It’s the only way we can stop this outbreak from spreading any further.”

As they continue their journey through the dark alleys and streets of Harran, they hear the moans and groans of the infected, who are now everywhere. Kyle’s senses are heightened as he watches the shadows for any sign of movement, while Ezgi clings to his arm tightly.

Suddenly, a group of infected jump out from an alleyway, blocking their path. Kyle and Ezgi quickly take out their weapons and prepare for a fight. The infected are fast and aggressive, and Kyle and Ezgi struggle to keep them at bay.

As they fight their way through the infected, Kyle notices something strange about them. They seem to be evolving, becoming smarter and more coordinated. He also realizes that they are attracted to sound, and they need to move quickly and quietly to avoid drawing their attention.

Finally, they manage to fight off the infected and continue their journey. As they near their destination, Kyle’s radio crackles to life.

“Kyle, this is Brecken. We’ve got a situation here. The safe zone has been breached. We need you back here, now!”

Kyle and Ezgi exchange a worried glance. The safe zone was their only chance for survival in this city, and now it was in danger. They knew they had to hurry.

“We need to get back to the safe zone, now,” Kyle says, grabbing Ezgi’s hand and leading her towards the nearest exit.

As they run towards the safe zone, they can see smoke rising in the distance and hear the sound of gunfire. Kyle’s heart races as he realizes that they may be too late.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire erupts in the distance, followed by the screams of the infected. Kyle and Ezgi exchange a worried look.

Ezgi: “What’s going on?”

Kyle: “I don’t know, but we need to move. Come on, we need to find a place to hide.”

They start running towards a nearby building, hoping to find shelter inside. As they approach the entrance, they see a group of survivors barricading the doors and windows.

Survivor 1: “What are you doing here? This building is already full.”

Kyle: “We just need a place to hide for a little while. We won’t cause any trouble.”

Survivor 2: “Fine, but you better not attract any infected.”

Kyle and Ezgi quickly make their way inside and find a corner to hunker down in. From their vantage point, they can see the infected swarming through the streets, attacking anyone in their path.

Ezgi: “What’s happening out there?”

Kyle: “It looks like the infected are attacking anyone they come across. We need to be careful.”

As the night wears on, the group of survivors inside the building starts to thin out. Some of them succumb to their injuries, while others venture outside in search of supplies. Kyle and Ezgi stay put, hoping that they can wait out the chaos.

But as the sun starts to rise, they hear a loud banging on the door. The survivors inside the building panic, realizing that the infected have found them. Kyle and Ezgi look at each other, knowing that they have to act fast.

Kyle: “We need to get out of here. Follow me.”

They make a break for the door, pushing past the panicked survivors. As they step outside, they see a swarm of infected heading straight towards them. Kyle and Ezgi grab whatever weapons they can find and prepare to fight for their lives.

Kyle: “Stay close to me. We’ll get through this together.”

The two of them fight their way through the infected horde, narrowly avoiding death at every turn. But just when they think they might make it out alive, they hear a familiar sound: the whirring of a helicopter.

Kyle: “That’s our way out of here. Come on!”

They run towards the sound of the helicopter, fighting off the infected as they go. Finally, they reach the rooftop of a nearby building, where a military helicopter is waiting for them. Kyle and Ezgi climb aboard, grateful to have survived the night.

Kyle: “We made it. We’re going to be okay.”

Ezgi: “Thanks to you. I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Kyle looks at her, his heart pounding in his chest. He realizes in that moment that he cares for her more than he ever thought possible.

Kyle: “Ezgi, there’s something I need to tell you. I know this might not be the best time, but I can’t keep it inside any longer. I care about you. A lot.”

Ezgi looks at him, her eyes wide with surprise.

Ezgi: “Kyle, I had no idea.”

Kyle: “I know it’s sudden, but I had to tell you. I couldn’t keep it to myself any longer.”

Ezgi smiles at him, her heart racing with excitement.

Ezgi: “Kyle, I feel the same way. I just didn’t know how to say it.”

They embrace, holding each other tight as the helicopter flies them to safety. For Kyle and Ezgi, the horrors of the night fade away, replaced by a feeling of hope and the promise of a brighter future together.

Then, after a few hours of rest, Kyle wakes up to find that the city has become even more dangerous. The infected have mutated and now possess incredible strength and speed, making them even more difficult to fight. Kyle realizes that he needs to find a way out of Harran and quickly, but he also knows that he can’t leave Ezgi behind.

Kyle: (to Ezgi) “We need to get out of here, now. The city has become even more dangerous.”

Ezgi: “I know, Kyle. I’ve been hearing those screams all night. But how do we get out of here?”

Kyle: “I have a plan. We need to get to the radio tower in the center of the city. Once we get there, we can call for an extraction.”

Ezgi: “But how are we going to get there? The streets are crawling with infected.”

Kyle: “We’ll have to be smart about it. We’ll take the rooftops and avoid the main streets. I know a few shortcuts that we can take.”

Ezgi nods, and they begin to make their way through the city, carefully avoiding the infected. As they move across the rooftops, they can see the devastation that has been wrought upon the city. Buildings are on fire, and the streets are littered with debris and abandoned vehicles.

After a few close calls with the infected, Kyle and Ezgi finally make it to the radio tower. They climb to the top of the tower and manage to contact the GRE. They are told that an extraction team will be sent to pick them up, but they must hold out until they arrive.

As they wait for the extraction team, Kyle and Ezgi fend off wave after wave of infected. They fight side by side, using every weapon at their disposal. Finally, the extraction team arrives, and they are airlifted out of the city.

As they fly away from Harran, Kyle and Ezgi look out at the destruction below. They know that the city will never be the same again, but they also know that they have survived against all odds. They hold each other close, grateful to be alive.

At that moment, a loud roar echoed through the tunnel, causing both Kyle and Ezgi to freeze in fear. They looked up and saw a large, mutated creature standing at the other end of the tunnel, its eyes fixed on them. It was a Volatile, one of the most dangerous creatures in Harran.

Kyle quickly pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the creature, but before he could fire, it let out another deafening roar and charged towards them.

“Run!” Kyle yelled to Ezgi as he started firing at the creature.

Ezgi didn’t need to be told twice. She turned around and started running in the opposite direction, with Kyle right behind her.

The Volatile was fast, but Kyle and Ezgi were faster. They sprinted through the dark tunnel, with the sound of the creature’s footsteps getting louder and louder behind them.

As they reached the end of the tunnel, Kyle spotted a ladder leading up to a manhole cover. He quickly climbed up the ladder, with Ezgi close behind him.

They emerged from the manhole cover and found themselves in a small alleyway. The Volatile was nowhere to be seen, but they could still hear its roars echoing through the tunnel.

Kyle and Ezgi caught their breath and looked around, trying to figure out their next move. They were still in the heart of the quarantine zone, and they had no idea where to go from there.

Suddenly, a loud alarm blares through the speakers, startling both Kyle and Ezgi. They quickly grab their weapons and run towards the exit, where they see a group of infected breaking through the barricades.

Kyle: “We need to get out of here, now!”

Ezgi: “But what about Jade? We can’t leave her behind!”

Kyle: “We’ll have to come back for her. Right now, our priority is to survive.”

They make a run for it, fighting off the infected as they go. They manage to make it to the rooftop, where they see a helicopter waiting to extract them.

Pilot: “Hurry up, we don’t have much time!”

Kyle and Ezgi make a leap for the helicopter, narrowly avoiding the grasping hands of the infected. As they soar into the sky, Kyle looks back at the chaos and destruction below.

Kyle: “We have to go back.”

Ezgi: “What? Why?”

Kyle: “Jade, we can’t just leave her there.”

Ezgi: “But it’s too dangerous. We barely made it out alive ourselves.”

Kyle: “I know, but I can’t just abandon her. She’s my friend.”

Ezgi: “Fine, but we’ll need a plan. We can’t just charge in there blindly.”

Kyle: “Agreed. We’ll need to gather some supplies and weapons first.”

As they land at a safe zone, Kyle and Ezgi prepare themselves for their return to the quarantine zone. They scavenge for supplies and weapons, and devise a plan to rescue Jade and escape safely.

Chapter 6: The Rescue Mission

Kyle, Ezgi, and a group of survivors sneak back into the quarantine zone, careful to avoid the infected and the volatile political situation between the factions. They make their way to the tower, where they know Jade is being held.

As they enter the tower, they are confronted by a group of armed men. Kyle recognizes them as the Rais’ men, the same group that attacked him and Jade earlier.

Rais’ Man: “What are you doing here? This is our territory.”

Kyle: “We’re here for our friend. Let us through.”

Rais’ Man: “Your friend? She’s our prisoner now. And you’re trespassing. We can’t just let you waltz in here.”

Kyle: “Then we’ll have to fight our way in. It doesn’t have to be this way.”

Rais’ Man: “You’re right. It doesn’t. Surrender now, and we’ll spare your lives.”

Kyle: “We don’t have time for this. Let’s take them out.”

A fierce battle ensues, with Kyle, Ezgi, and their allies fighting off the armed men. They make their way through the tower, taking out any threats in their path.

As they reach the top floor, they find Jade tied up and guarded by a heavily armed man. Kyle recognizes him as Rais, the man who has been terrorizing the quarantine zone.

Rais: “Ah, Mr. Crane. We meet again. I must say, I’m impressed by your tenacity. But you should know by now that I always get what I want.”

Kyle: “Let her go, Rais. This doesn’t have to end in bloodshed.”

Rais: “Oh, but it does. You see, I have plans for this city. And I can’t have people like you getting in my way.”

He signals his men to attack, and a vicious battle ensues. Kyle, Ezgi, and their allies fight tooth and nail against Rais and his men, with Jade’s life on the line.

Finally, they emerge victorious, with

Suddenly, they hear a faint whisper coming from the other end of the room.

“Help me,” the voice says, barely audible.

Kyle and Ezgi turn to each other, startled. They hadn’t heard anyone else in the building besides themselves.

“Did you hear that?” Ezgi asks, her voice quivering.

Kyle nods, his heart pounding. “We have to go check it out.”

They cautiously make their way over to where the voice came from, shining their flashlights on the ground in front of them. As they get closer, they see a figure lying on the ground.

It’s a young woman, barely conscious. Her clothes are torn and bloodied, and she looks like she’s been badly beaten.

Kyle and Ezgi kneel down beside her, trying to help. “Who did this to you?” Kyle asks.

But the woman is too weak to speak. She just moans in pain.

“We have to get her out of here,” Ezgi says. “She needs medical attention.”

Kyle nods in agreement, and they carefully pick the woman up and start to carry her out of the building. But as they make their way towards the exit, they hear a loud noise coming from behind them.

They turn around to see a group of infected charging towards them, their eyes glowing with a sickly green light.

Kyle and Ezgi break into a run, trying to get away from the monsters. They burst out of the building into the night air, gasping for breath.

“We have to get her to safety,” Kyle says, gesturing towards the injured woman.

They start to make their way towards the nearest safe zone, dodging infected and leaping over obstacles as they go. Kyle can feel his heart pounding in his chest as they race through the streets, knowing that at any moment they could be overwhelmed by the monsters.

But they keep pushing forward, driven by a desperate need to help the injured woman and to find a way out of Harran alive.

The helicopter took off, leaving behind the infected and the dead. Kyle looked down at the ground, tears streaming down his face. He had lost everyone he cared about. Jade was gone, and now Ezgi was gone too. He was all alone.

As the helicopter flew away, Kyle saw a group of survivors huddled together on a rooftop. They waved frantically, trying to get his attention. Kyle looked at them for a moment, then turned away. He couldn’t face them, not after everything that had happened.

The helicopter flew over the sea, and Kyle looked out at the horizon. The sun was setting, casting an orange glow over the water. It was beautiful, but Kyle couldn’t appreciate it. All he could think about was the horror he had witnessed, and the people he had lost.

As the helicopter flew further and further away from Harran, Kyle couldn’t help but wonder if anyone would ever find a cure for the virus. Would anyone be able to stop the infection from spreading to the rest of the world? It seemed unlikely.

Kyle closed his eyes and leaned back in his seat. He was exhausted, physically and emotionally. He didn’t know what the future held, but he knew that it wouldn’t be easy. He had survived the horrors of Harran, but at what cost? He had lost everything that mattered to him.

The helicopter flew on, disappearing into the distance. Kyle was alone, with nothing but his memories of the people he had loved and lost.



Masnun Jamil

I’m a medical student and a new writer seeking to fine tune my skill.