It’s the Time to Depend on Virtual Reality During This Pandemic and Next Upcoming Pandemics

Mazharul Islam Shafee
6 min readNov 9, 2020


Virtual Reality is a simulated experience that can be similar to our real-world or can be different from it. Currently, standard virtual reality systems use either virtual reality headsets or multi-projected environments to generate realistic images, sounds, and other sensations that simulate a user’s physical presence in a virtual environment. A person using virtual reality equipment is able to look around the artificial world, move around in it, and interact with virtual features or items. The effect is commonly created by VR headsets consisting of a head-mounted display with a small screen in front of the eyes, but can also be created through specially designed rooms with multiple large screens. Virtual reality typically incorporates auditory and video feedback, but may also allow other types of sensory and force feedback through haptic technology.

This method is already being used for military and medical training. Besides, this method is being used for playing games in play zones or cyber cafes. Now, this method is going to become handy during this COVID 19 pandemic or other upcoming pandemics.

The loss during the COVID 19 pandemic:

Firstly, I want to describe about the sufferings of the people during this pandemic. Millions of people died because of this COVID 19 virus. Till today (9th November 2020),1.26 million people died,50.4 million Corona cases are found and 33 million people are recovered from the disease.

The loss of the economy :

Our world’s economy decreased very much during this time than in previous years. Thousands of people lost their jobs. Many shopping malls, markets, and other businesses were shut down during the lockdown. So maximum countries around this world have gotten a vast loss of economy.

The loss of the educational sector:

Now, all of the students around the world can’t go to schools, colleges, and universities. Though online classes are going on but many students can’t join the online class because of the lack of internet facilities. But people are thinking that our world is now modern in technologies. It’s true but poor people can’t get the facilities of these modern technologies. It’s very hard for a poor student to arrange money in order to buy internet packages to do online classes. Also, in some institutions, teachers can’t take the online exams during this time. Now, in maximum institutions around this world, teachers are taking online exams using google forms or other methods but they can’t guarantee the security of the exams. Because they can’t underestimate the students, they can do anything in order to get good marks. They can use many cheat methods in order to get good marks in exams. Even without study, they can do well in the exam using cheat methods. Thus, nation to nation people will remain illiterate.

Main Discussions :

How will virtual reality help us in this situation?:

How it will be if a man does his all official work sitting in his home without going outside and can feel that he is in his workstation. How it will be if a student does their classes at home where he can feel and see every student in a classroom sitting on a bench and listening to the lectures of the teachers and professors. How it will be if teachers can take exams with full security and can make sure the students’ preparation that they are used to be before the pandemic. It’s all possible through virtual reality. As I mentioned before, this virtual reality is now being used for military and medical training. Now the question arises that how they do that?

In military training, they wear virtual reality glasses and use other VR materials. With this training, they can experience a real war that they experienced never before. Also, Virtual Reality is helping soldiers to get trained in handling fighter planes, submarines, and ground vehicles without a need to get into an actual vehicle. Though the platforms are virtual but the feelings are real.

With virtual reality, medical schools no longer need to rely on cadavers to train students on the human anatomy. Medical students using VR can now explore accurate and real human anatomy including the cardiovascular system, central nervous system, muscles, and bones in a completely immersive environment.

Now, it’s time we can use virtual reality for educational and commercial purposes. Firstly I will describe how we can use this method for educational purposes. There will be a virtual platform where all the students will join through the software. In that platform, there will be many virtual benches, chairs and tables and boards, and other necessary virtual tools which are needed for a classroom. All students and teachers will wear virtual reality glasses. In this platform, all of them will see each other virtually but the feeling will be real because, On the platform, students and teachers will see that environment which they find in the real class. The whole system should be programmed in that way that once they wear the VR glass, they are in the class and when they take off the VR glass they are out of the class. In this way, it’s become easy for the teachers to check the present list of the students. Now let’s talk about the exams. Students will enter the class in the same way that I mentioned before. To do the exams, scientists have to make some kind of Ipad and Ipen which will be connected to the system. With these, they will do the exams virtually and the teachers will monitor the exams virtually. Now the question arises that if the students try to cheat then what will happen. If they want to see books or text messages to other friends, they will have to take off the VR glasses. Once they take off the glasses, they will be out from the virtual exam hall and the teachers will be able to find out easily. Now If a student excuses that his wifi or internet is gone, then what will a teacher do. The teacher will just simply say,” I will take your exam later.” And as the maximum students’ exams will be over then only a few students will be left on this problem. And this will be more easier for the teachers to monitor this little number of students’ exams.

Now let's talk about the commercial side. There will be a virtual platform too where all employees can join company meeting virtually and people who are finding jobs, they can do the viva and do exams through virtual reality. Also, scientists have to make VR robots for businessmen, sellers, and employees that work in factories. Those VR robots will have no brain. Because those should be controlled by humans. employers will wear some VR suits and control the robots. When employers use their right hand, robots will use their right hand. When they use their left hand, robots will use their left hand. In that’s way, all employers can feel that they were in their workplace through the robots which will be there in the place of them. That’s why, all the employers, businessmen can do their respective works staying at home, and I know they will enjoy it too.

So that’s how we can use this virtual reality method during this pandemic and the next upcoming pandemics.

There is a demerit of virtual reality. While using virtual reality, we can’t forget our real world. We should only use this for our work. Please don’t use it for your leisure time specially in games. Because if we forget our real world, the real world will be virtually destroyed and it will become the world of VR robots. So It’s very important.

During this pandemic and for the next upcoming pandemics, It’s the only way, I think in order to save our education and economy. Scientists have to do hard work and research for this and for the better option for the welfare of the world.



Mazharul Islam Shafee

I am an undergraduate student of Computer Science Engineering and a writer .I am going to share you many things about science and technology,apps,games .