Meaning of Communication: Analyzing Shouko Nishimiya

The Pearl of A Silent Voice

Fahim Ahmed
Published in
5 min readSep 23, 2021


If you have sunk into the world of Anime, even by a little, A Silent Voice should be a name that you are familiar with. Written by Yoshitoki Ooima and directed by Naoko Yamada, both the Manga and the movie is nothing less than a Masterpiece. This series is really close to my heart. So, I have been trying to write something on this beauty of a show but writing about A Silent Voice isn’t necessarily easy. There is a lot to talk about and understand about the various aspect and qualities it holds. Therefore, I decided to focus on one small part of this story; the piece that is the focus of the puzzle, the character named Shouko Nishimiya.

On the surface, Shouko Nishimiya is a cheerful and energetic girl but with a physical disability. But on the inside, she is deep like an ocean and grey like the moon. Since her childhood, Shouko ran into many obstacles due to her being deaf. Some reached out their hand but the lack of communication was always there. Unlike a normal person, Shouko cannot perceive the emotions of others through their voice and tone. This created a sense of isolation in her; a sense of being a burden. Even though, she tried to befriend others and tried to communicate as much as she can. But her strive was constantly being distorted by Ishida Shoya, the protagonist who used…

