Music, Is music or musicians are something?

3 min readJan 9, 2022


In my opinion, it is better to play or sing the creations of others for the rest of one’s life. Of course, this does not apply to everyone. We have no right to say who played and sang for enjoyment.

It is about people who want to see or identify themselves as creative entities.

Maybe this artist is a great singer or playwright, and by doing so he has garnered a lot of praise. There is nothing wrong with that, the famous creators of the world have played and sung the creations of others; And each of us begins with the creation of others, the art of others.

The difficulty is in making it the best of the artist. If the whole of my existence is limited to imitating someone else’s created art, it means that my own existence does not carry any importance, and its existence does not come anywhere in the world. And if anyone has to taste that art, I think in most cases they will prefer the original creation over my imitation.

It’s becoming harder to grasp the point in Facebook’s colourful glasses, and imitation seems to be the easiest way to ‘capture the market’.

But in the end, if I can’t leave even the slightest trace of myself, what does that existence mean to me? There are 5 listeners in it, but I am in it. I am me.
When we sing live, we all have an automatic tendency to move away from the microphone to sing louder and to come closer to singing softly. But the opposite should be the case.

Suppose a contemporary is a rock-influenced song, with the melody of the verse being sung in the lower register of the voice, and the artist approaching the mic.

One problem is that the low-end of the voice is increasing. This is called the Proximity Effect — the closer you get to the mic, the higher the bass (the more it is used in directional and cardioid pattern mics, and this type of mic is used live. The reasons are no longer explained here).

And since the verses are sung in the lower register, there is already a low end in the voice. All in all, the thing gets out of control, the mix also sounds quite bloated (it would have been a lot of trouble to find the Bengali synonyms for the words: s). With this, the plosives (for other such pronunciations) get a bad push in the mic’s diaphragm.

For this reason, it is better to keep a distance of a few centimetres from the mic when singing downwards, so that the mixer does not have to struggle to handle it.

On the other hand, many people move farther away while singing with a belt on the upper register. Due to that proximity effect, the low-end reverse of the voice starts to be lost, as a result of which the fullness of the voice is lost.

Moreover, even if there is a moderate level of compression, these dynamics come under control, so it is not necessary to worry too much about it if you do not want to sing too loudly. And that’s why you shouldn’t go too far away from the mic when singing in the upper register.

Since there are so many musicians on the list, hopefully, it will be useful to someone; Mixing will also be easier for us.

In terms of childhood and adolescence, for example, Putkinen et al. demonstrate how musical training is likely to foster enhanced sound encoding in 9 to 15-year-olds and thus be related to reading skills. A separate Finnish study by Saarikallio et al. provides evidence of how musical listening influences adolescents’ perceived sense of agency and emotional well-being, whilst demonstrating how this impact is particularly nuanced by context and individuality. Aspects of mental health are the focus of an Australian study by Stewart et al. of young people with tendencies to depression. The article explores how, despite existing literature on the positive use of music for mood regulation, music listening can be double-edged and could actually sustain or intensify a negative mood.IDK what I wrote but seems like a long line about boring music xD but even so, a part of me thinking like that I guess is making me pleased.

Originally published at on January 9, 2022.

