Necessity Of Silence In Effective Communication

Fahim Ahmed


Silence generally means the absence of any kind of noise. But in communication, it is seen as an absence of speech. So, the absence of speech doesn’t mean that the person is not communicating with the other person. Silence is a very powerful form of communication. Depending on the situation, the meaning of silence differs on each occasion.

In recent years, researchers have suggested that silence is not simply an absence of noise or doesn’t mean ‘nothing’ but constitutes a part of communication as important as speech. The context of a situation defines the power and message of silence. Constructive silence moves a conversation or discussion forward. Destructive silence shuts down communication and creates barriers that discourage speakers from expressing their thoughts. Thus, silences can be ‘leaden’ and they can also be ‘golden’. We have all experienced various negative silences that could be called awkward, appalled, embarrassed, defensive and fearful silences. These could be termed as leaden silences. However, there are also silences that are golden, such as confident, comfortable, reflective, peaceful, or respectful silences. Such silences can be helpful tools for enhancing communication and to promote and maintain the existing relationship.

Photo by Scott Umstattd on Unsplash

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