Room no.1085-Winter winds

Tasphia Islam
7 min readMar 21, 2020


Photo by Marcus Cramer on Unsplash

seeing him was magic

but his favorite act

was to disappear — perry poetry

Photo by Vinícius Henrique on Unsplash

23rd February 2018. Regun Mental Health Center

“Mom please don’t do this! I swear I’m not lying. Please! I don’t wanna go. I promise I’ll forget about all of this. Please don’t let them take me”

“It’s alright Honey. They’re just going to take care of you. I promise you’ll get better.Yo..”

“BUT I AM BETTER. Why won’t you guys believe me!”

“Ms.Wood if you don’t stop fighting we will have to sedate you.”

“NO! Let me go!”

13th June 2017. Mystic High

“Three.” Mr.Hunt puts a full stop after writing the last words on the blackboard.

“Two.” Ed, the class topper rushes to copy all the notes in his notebook.

“One.” and the bell goes off ripping through the eerily empty hallways with the ringing sound.

“Bull’s eye!”I say looking up from the thing my eyes have been fixated on for the past forty-five minutes, my watch. I literally can not get up fast enough to leave that awful biology class. Just as I’m about to leave Mr.Hunt says in his scratchy voice, “alright class don’t forget to prepare for the exam next week. Have a nice weekend.”

“Damn it! LIKE I’ll have a nice weekend preparing for a subject I absolutely abhor!”

I was sulking about the fact that I had an awful weekend ahead while walking down the hallway as I see a very familiar mop of hair in the sea of over-enthusiastic teenagers. And suddenly it’s like my mind is filled with the warmth of the rays of sunshine. The sea of people keeps on blabbering not sparing even a single glance at him like he’s just someone else. But to ME he was the REASON I woke up every day and gather up the motivation to come to this awfully boring highschool. The person, just a glimpse of whom made all of this a little easier. That mop of dark brown wavy hair just about reaches his neck. A few strands of hair falling on his forehead creating a wave over his hazel eyes that are so see-through, you could almost see the reflection of his soul. His cheekbones create a slope that disappears in his light stubble and meets his steel-like jawline. And don’t even get me started on the cupid’s bow of his lips that I dreamed of kissing countless nights. It wasn’t hard to spot this angelic being as my subconscious always looked for him wherever I went. God knows how the other girls don’t even notice him. But who cares, it’s good for me.

As I was lost in my thoughts a violent shove almost sent me toppling over. Startled’ i looked behind me to see Natasha with a shit-eating grin on her face.

“ ‘Sup Winter?” she asks with the most enthusiastic voice ever. How the hell is she always so happy! I swear she is secretly a unicorn that farts rainbows. “Nothing just my brain’s having a disco up here over the fact that I have a biology exam next week,” I say with a straight face.

“Right.Typical Winny with her everlasting sarcasm.”I roll my eyes. “But you were looking at something before I came.”, she frowns. “Oh shit!”I don’t let the panic inside me show on my face as I say, “Oh! It’s nothing I just saw Eva wearing a weird jacket.SO yeah.” she looks at me suspiciously.

“Please let it go! please let it go!”I pray to myself. She grabs my arm and starts pulling me with her while making our way to the main gate. She starts blabbering about her day. I sigh in relief. That was a close call.

See, Natasha is probably my only true friend in the whole damn school. But she is the worst at keeping things to herself. Last time I told her I had a crush on a senior boy named Ben the whole universe got the message without her even realizing.Next thing I know Ben’s friends would act weird every time I was in a mile radius of where he was. I literally wanted to set the whole school on fire. But Natasha didn’t get it. She’s an open book kinda person. Well,” I open my book and hand out the pages in street corners” kinda person. And me? I buried my book back in 1956. Anyway, so lesson learned. Never telling her about a guy again.

Laying in my bed, I was daydreaming about one special being yet again. I don’t even know his name. I never got a class with him. Hell I don’t even know which year he is in.“Way to go Winter”.He never talks to anyone. Don’t think he has many friends. God! If I don’t get him out of my head soon, I’ll be dancing Zumba in the streets while chanting Harry Potter spells in a few days. “Maybe you should tell him.”, I suddenly think. I mean the worst-case scenario would be him rejecting you. And then Nothing much, just that you will die out of embarrassment. But …unlike Ben, he doesn’t have any friends. So even if he rejects me…there won’t be anyone to let the people on Mars know how much of a loser I am. Should I tell him? Or should I not? Should I tell…

“Winter!Dinner’s ready.” “Coming.”

15 June 2017

“Rise n shine Winter.The sun’s out.” mom says in an overly peppy voice. How can someone be so happy this early in the morning? I swear everyone farts rainbows here.

“so what am I supposed to do?Photosynthesis?”

“No, you’re supposed to go to school. Now get up.”


“Stratiosphecomyioides!!”,I say for the tenth time after finishing the sacrificial ceremony of my sanity aka my biology exam. “What the hell even is this? What are we preparing for? freaking Hogwarts exam?!”

“Hey, Ed!”I wave to Ed standing by the lockers in the almost empty hallway.


“Do you know what this ‘straight penis’thing means?”

“What?” he looks at me weird.

I show him the word from the question paper.

“Oh! That means a special species of flys”


“FLYS!FREAKING FLYS!Do I have to memorize a freaking mantra for little annoying creatures now?!! I swear I am done with this world.”I scream inwardly while turning the corner. And… there he is, in that completely empty hallway, just standing there in all his glory looking at the notice board.

“Okay, Winter. We’ve been on this all weekend. He is completely alone right now. Go and tell him. This is a golden chance. Use it.”,I say to myself. “Nothing’s gonna happen. I will just tell him and that’s it.” repeating the words I hesitantly walk towards him.

Here we go.

“Hey” He doesn’t turn around.Okay.Maybe he didn’t hear me.

“Hey,” I say louder this time. And luckily he hears and turns around with confusion written in his face. And once he realizes that I am in fact talking to him his face suddenly shows……shock?

Of course, he is shocked. A crazy hobo just walked up to him.“I don’t know your name and I don’t know you at all. And I know that this sounds weird and I am weird but I just wanted you to know that I have a crush on you. I have had one for a while.”I ramble, my eyes closed.

I wait for him to reply and all I”m met with is silence.

Finally finding the courage, I open my eyes to see him still standing there but this time he is frowning. And that’s when he speaks his first words to me. And out of the million scenarios I had made up in my head for this moment, not one had the words he uttered.

“You can see me?” he says barely audible.

SEE YOU! SEE YOU!I’ve been STALKING you for a YEAR now. But of course, I don’t say that to him.


“But that is impossible,” he says still in a trance.

“Is it so bad to have me crushing on you that you want to be invisible now?”I say kinda offended.

Suddenly there’s a loud chatter coming from the end of the hallway indicating a group of students was coming this way. He finally shows some expression on his face.

“There’s people coming. Come let’s go to janitor’s room.”

“Okay as much as I have been dreaming about this day. Don’t you think it’s a bit early for that?”I say a bit thrown off.

“Just don’t talk and follow me.”

Okay, this is getting even weirder than I thought. But I follow him anyway. As he reaches the door he stands by the side and waits for me to catch up and open it. As I open it he rushes in. I walk in next and close the door behind me. There is quite a bit light inside for us to see.

He turns around looks me in the eye.“I know you won’t believe me but…” he stops for a minute like he’s debating with himself over telling me.

“I’m dead.”

And those two words started the beginning of my end.

Note: There is a part two.



Tasphia Islam

She tap danced on her key pad,to the music inside her mind and the beats of her heart and they called her a writer