Samsung Galaxy S11 Is Bringing Something New

Latest Updates of Samsung Galaxy S11

Nazmus Sakib
Published in
4 min readDec 22, 2019


Now the main gossip of Samsung is about Samsung Galaxy S11. Everything about this upcoming smartphone is increasing the Samsung user’s curiosity day by day. And everyone become more excited when Samsung leaked some information about it. So what the thing really has that is making it different form others? The answer everything. They are giving something new in this phone which is making so much talking about this mobile.

At first look at the size of Galaxy S11. Samsung revealed that Galaxy S11 will consist 3 size. The S11e will either have a 6.2" or 6.4" display, the regular S11 will have a 6.7" display similar to the Note 10 Plus and the largest variant
in the S11 series, the Galaxy S11 Plus will have a mammoth 6.9" display. This is by far the biggest smartphone display that Samsung has ever put in their phones if we don’t consider the Galaxy Fold because the foldable genre is a different thing. It is true that there’s not enough market for small phones these days and yes, below 6" is small in today’s standards. All the S11 variants including the S11e will have curved displays. There’s no flat variant.



Nazmus Sakib

Exploring business, politics, and life in Bangladesh and beyond. BBA student with a passion for words and wisdom.