The Amazing Human Brain

Nazmus Sakib


Did you ever look at the world? How beautiful it is! How this single planet has so many varieties! What will be your answer if I ask you what is the most wonderful thing in the world? If you ask me, my answer will be human. Yes, the best creature of the universe. And what is the best thing about humans? Their brain. The Human Brain.

Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash

Did you ever think about the 3 pounds of brain inside your skull? Do you know how complex it is? Let me try to give you a little concept about our brain. It is thousands of times more complex than the best computer in the world. Dr. Walter said, “ You can buy 1 billion computers with the money that will need to build an atomic brain like the human brain. Not only that, To run this atomic brain you’ll need 1 billion kilowatt electricity flow. You’ll need 3250 Power station to run that atomic brain continuously. The size of the artificial brain will be a building with 1800 floor.

The white upper part of our brain is called the cortex. This part is quite choppy and it is arranged in layers. But if you try to arrange them parallelly, then the size of the cortex will be more than 2000 square miles. It means the size of the cortex is equal to the size of Brunei. It is built with 1.4 billion individual cells. These cells are called the neuron. They are so small that hundreds of them will easily fit at the top of the pin. Each of them sends the electrical…



Nazmus Sakib

Exploring business, politics, and life in Bangladesh and beyond. BBA student with a passion for words and wisdom.