The Crown’s 24 Favourite Pick Outs OFAnime Moments

pranto RA


Disclaimer: This story contains both mild and heavy spoilers. So, read it at your own risk. Also, I would like to inform you that, this is not a ranking.

When we, the anime lovers, want to make a simple top 10 list of animes, we struggle. Because several animes release every year. And not all but several of them leave a good impression. Where we can’t even make a list of series, we, the writer of The Crown (secondary quality — anime watchers) decided to do a task one step ahead. We are making a top anime “moments” list.

We gathered 4 writers and asked them to talk about their favourite anime moments. From that, we proceeded to make this list. But it wasn’t easy. We meddled over hundred moments to choose only 24. Man…it was painful. But at last, we formed the list based solely on our individual tastes. All of the moments may not be popular: there is more than one moment from a single anime, But these are our picks, nonetheless. So, Let’s just see who the writers are and jump into the list.

Writers who contributed to this story -

Imran Husaain Sadik, Fahim Ahmed, pranto RA, Ashraful Kabir

Imran’s Picks -

1. I’m Going on a Journey
A Place Further than the Universe
Episode: 2

You know, sometimes, when you get the feeling to do something different and step out of the ordinary. But immediately fall back and decide sometime else but, not today. Because today you have college and work or you’re just not feeling up to it. And eventually that somedays becomes weeks, months or even years and eventually that someday never becomes today. We see that reflect in Kimari a second-year high school student who feels like she’s wasting her youth instead of doing all the cool things she thought she’d be doing. She wanted to step out of her daily route, take the train opposite of her school and be in places she hasn’t been. And she does try that in the 1st episode only to be scared at the last moment and fall back at her usual routine. Much like us, she needed a push; for her, the push was Shirase, a complete opposite of Kimari who has the craziness and eccentricity to achieve her own ambitions of going to Antarctica no matter what. Kimari being inspired and excited to help tag along with Shirase only to find herself running from the Antarctica expedition team at night in Shinjuku. While running in the flashy coloured city of Shinjuku with the insert song ‘Sora Wo Migete’ playing in the background Kimari laughs and says the sentence ‘I feel like my youth is in motion’. I love this scene and love how inspiring it can be. Because she wanted to be in a flashy big city before stepping towards the ultimate goal of Antarctica. And that leap sure does inspire me to step out there myself. ‘well what about the email scene? That alone can give the running scene a run for its money!’ I hear you say. Whilst as heartbreaking the email scene was; this particular one sure inspires me to step out the ordinary and is one that I’ll remember.

2. What it Means to be Special
Hibike! Euphonium
Episode: 8

Every time I look back at sound euphonium I see so much of myself in Kumiko. A character who’d much rather blend in with the crowd instead of standing out, avoiding conflict and accepting whatever is put in front of her. She doesn’t put herself out there in fear of being let down and settles down in a safe spot ultimately shielding her from pain but also the true joy of accomplishment. She’s confined with just looking ahead unlike Reina who gives her everything for the chance of being special. From the beginning of the show, Kumiko looks at Reina as a mountain top inspiring her to become better. Reina is the image Kumiko aspires to become. Often Kumiko is framed behind Reina or looking up to her. There’s a presence of this distance until the hiking scene of episode 8. Reina didn’t hike up the mountain on a festival night just to admire the scene. She climbed up to detach from the crowd and step above them. She is different. She will take every little step to shine until she reaches her ultimate goal. And Reina shatters Kumiko’s distance towards her with putting her finger on Kumiko’s forehead and touching down to her leaps. The entire frame of Reina feels magical with the cool blue hue to the scene. And the wakeup-call for Kumiko here was immense. Ever since Kumiko can look Reina square in the eyes instead of being framed behind. She knows she can differ from others and won’t fall any short from Reina.

3. I Want To Improve
Hibike! Euphonium
Episode: 12

Kumiko’s developed can be seen in episode 12 of the 1st season. Kumiko’s inability to play a part for the competition leads Taki-sensei to assign Asuka to play the euphonium for that part alone. That stuck Kumiko right through her. At this point, she’s fully committed and wants to stand out. The frustration of being able to hear the sound inside your head only unable to produce it; I could feel it as well. The ability to think what you want to paint or what you want to write yet being unable to materialize it is frustrating. Unable to hold the frustration Kumiko breaks down to a desperate cry and scream the words ‘I want to improve.’ I want to improve, I want to be special, I want to move forward instead of just looking forward. Kumiko realizes how much it hurt to be fully in for something and still coming short. Much like how Reina did back in middle school. So upset that she could die. I feel that painful yearning inside Kumiko. And if this isn’t character development, I don’t know what is.

4. Finding Your Voice
Hibike! Euphonium 2
Episode: 10

Till the 2nd season, Kumiko is always portrayed away from conflict. Even in the 1st arc of season 2, she was just a mare lens for the viewers. But Asuka senpai forced out of the band by her mother, Kumiko had to confront her. By now Kumiko knows why she plays and who she plays for but she is unsure of the other members of the band and how they feel. So when she steps up to confront her, Kumiko simply said others words and how everyone would want Asuka senpai to play at the nationals. She says how other members want her back but she doesn’t speak her own words. Asuka seeing an opening askes Kumiko, who is everyone? And how would she know if they truly want her back? A shot of a butterfly stuck in a spider web passes by showing Kumiko is stuck on Asuka’s web unable to debate. Asuka cuts straight through Kumikos mask. “You’re curious, so you get close, but you’re afraid of hurting people and being hurt. So you leave things wishy-washy and watch from a safe distance.” Asuka’s words stun Kumiko and Asuka tends to leave saying its better off to just let her fade away. Clips of the others describing Asuka goes through Kumiko’s mind and ends on her sister’s warning, “Don’t be left with any regrets”. Finally, Kumiko speaks with her voice. She speaks for herself as a person who deeply cares for her. Kumiko wants to play with her in the nationals, that much she is sure of. So what if it’s childish, she is a highschooler like the rest of them. Asuka is special, and she wants to play at the nationals more than anyone else. ‘please don’t make decisions you’re going to regret.’, says Kumiko. Kumiko finds her voice. This breaks Asuka’s shell bringing her near to tears. There’s so much human emotion in this 5minutes scene. Kumiko’s voice actor nails this part as you can hear her voice crack trying to find her voice. That’s one of the most ‘human’ an anime character ever felt to me.

5. Yet Another School Festival
Episode: 20

As fuzzy and cheerful the concept of a slice of life is, it often comes with heartbreaks. On the first look, K-On feels and looks like a moeblob show. And for K-On, it’s not wrong. What you see is what you get. Throw-out the series you see cute girls dicking around in the light music club eating cake and drinking tea. But every episode caries a hint of progression and inevitability of change which builds up to the latter half of season2. In episode 20 the Kiyons play at their last school festival before their graduation. And after a successful play, they sit at their club talking about what are they going to do next. Maybe eat more cakes, go on another training camp, play at the freshmen ceremony, another sleepover at school and eventually play another school festival. However, Ritsu points out that there is no more next year. It’s a very bittersweet moment as they have to accept the inevitability of change. The entire scene is framed with a warm yellowish hue and the lonely yet cheerful slowed version of ‘U&I’ playing in the back. Change is inevitable. Time will fly by. The only way to accept it is by stepping out the door leaving the memories behind. I never really cried watching an anime. But re-watching this show right before the end of my highschool teared me up.

6. Across the Autumn
Violet Evergarden
Episode: 7

Violet Evergarden is undoubtedly the most beautiful and visually appealing anime I have ever seen. Not only the looks, but the characters and the stories told can also be just as beautiful and breathtaking. In this case, it’s a story about a writer who lost her daughter at an early age. Already having his wife lost his daughter was the only light of his life. Being called ‘dad’ is something he could to listen to thousands of time. But having lost the light he couldn’t continue on his writing. This is when Violet Evergarden, an auto memories doll was sent there to help with the writing. His story was of a children’s play of a girl named Olivia who could talk with the elemental spirits to guide her. But as Olivia’s quest came to an end she couldn’t make contact with the spirits anymore and was unable to return home to her father but Olivia must come back to her father. She has to. And how would that be? Maybe the wind spirit will grant her a last push over the ocean, maybe she could fly with the parasol and walk on the leaves in the lakes. And what about when she finally returns? How will she greet her father? He wanted to picture it and asked Violet if she could do something similar. And then, the scene. It can’t be simply written in words. Every single frame is detailed to the core. It simply takes your breath away. Frames of him reimaging his own daughters’ words of how one day she would fly across the lake is shown. And finally, he sees his daughter grew up and smiled ever so brightly. It’s simple visual soul food. This eye candy of a moment is going to go down in animation history.

Ashraful’s Picks -

1. Cry in two places

Clannad — After Story Episode: 18

5 years old Ushio who has been apart from her father Tomoya for 5 years goes on a trip with him. While on the trip, Tomoya buys a toy robot he picks out for Ushio to play with after they arrive in the countryside. The next day, after staying at an inn the previous night, Tomoya and Ushio take a walk through the area and come across a field of flowers. Ushio plays in the field as Tomoya watches, but Ushio soon loses the robot in the field; they try to look for it but to no avail. she still cannot find the robot and does not want to stop looking because it was the first thing her father ever gave her. Tomoya realizes how he has been neglecting his daughter. At that time Ushio tells him that was it okay to not hold back then. Sanae had told her that

she can only cry in only 2 places — in the washroom and her father’s arms.

Clannad after story — this spectacular anime gave me a spectacular moment that I will never forget. This is the moment that no matter how many times I see I can’t stop myself from crying. The moment where her father takes her in his arms is something that you will like to see again and again.

2. Simons resolve

Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan Episode: 11

Kamina was a young man from Jiiha village who dreamed of leaving the village and go to the surface, which he saw as a kid. He’s very passionate about his goals, expressing his wishes through energetic speeches, which seemed to affect all those who hear him.

After he, Simon, and Yoko broke through to the surface, they met many enemies and friends as they go, to the point of building up a resistance force, the Gurren Brigade to fight in their war against the Beastmen Empire who hunt on human beings who live on the surface, and becoming their leader.

After Kamina’s death, Simon fell apart. He thinks that he is to blame for everything and he is useless. As team Dai-Gurren struggles against members of the four divine generals of beastmen Simon understands what Kamina’s last word meant and finds the resolve to battle against beastmen.

Sometimes you know what’s gonna happen but you can’t stop watching, it’s one of that moment. When they were on the verge of defeat how Simon turns the situation with his willpower is something to see.

And it also comes with an awesome soundtrack and hot-blooded actions.

3.Once Again — Ex…calibuuuuuur
Fate/Stay Night-Heavens Feel — Lost Butterfly

Saber’s fights are always awesome. We have seen her fight berserker again and again. But Heavens Feel — Lost Butterfly takes it to another level. The 7-minute fight is (yes I counted) equipped with mind-blowing animation and background music that you can’t miss. This time she didn’t shout Excalibur’s name but you will surely hear it. Dark Saber’s power and berserker’s madness — what a combination!!

4.Beyond 100%
My hero academia
Episode: 12

All Might is the №1 Hero and the “Symbol of Peace.” equipped with a power called ‘one for all’ which gives him immense strength and speed. He is famous for routinely saving the day with a smile on his face.

On the other hand, a muscular monstrosity, Nomu’s are regular people who are infused with multiple Quirks by All For One. The first to appear in the series was one with shock absorption and super regeneration ability who could take down All might at his 100%.
The 12th episode of the 1st season of my hero academia. I have seen it again and again where all might goes beyond 100%. This clash of flesh against flesh in on another level. It can’t be described in words. You have to see it to experience it.

5.Aomine vs Kagami — in the zone
Kuroko’s basketball
Episode: 18 of season 2

The Zone — a state of extreme focus, where all unnecessary thoughts disappear. Only athletes who practised, again and again, can enter this state which can drastically change their play.

Kagami was in America until the second year of middle school and has recently come back to Japan in his first year on senior high. He is determined to surpass “The Generation of Miracles” and become number 1. Kagami is shown to have huge potential — good build, height, skill in basketball — but his strongest weapon is his inhuman jump. With those jumps, he manages to block his opponent’s attacks.

Aomine was the ace of Teikou’s team, embracing an aggressive and liquid style. Incredibly fast and versatile, Aomine’s strength lies in his unpredictability, as well as an uncanny ability to shoot from virtually any position. Though he loves basketball, he has grown sardonic and unenthusiastic toward the sport, skipping practice and even arriving late for important matches. This is due to his frustration in not being able to find an opponent capable of matching his skill and thus making him conclude that the only one that can defeat him is he himself.

Finding a capable player who can play in the same field as him Aomine forced his way in the Zone making him even more unstoppable. To stop Aomine’s attack and to make his team win Kagami also reaches the zone. Which takes us to the intense battle that plays out.

Kuroko’s basketball lacks some fundamental things usually found in sports anime. It has many rooms for plot and character development but it just skips them. Regardless it has its moments when it surprises everyone.

6. Are you back?
Parasyte The Maxim
Episode: 18

Shinichi was a thoughtful, compassionate high-school boy leading an ordinary life until his hand got infected with a Parasite (as it failed took over his brain) holding almost supernatural abilities. Shinichi is repeatedly put into difficult positions. Bizzare and cruel things that Shinichi had experienced made his heart cold, he was changed.

He was distant, he had a hole in his heart, he was unable to cry. But the incident with Tamiya Ryouko changed it. Tamiya Riyouko was infected by a Parasite and she was pregnant with a human baby. At first, she plans on experimenting with the child to further extend her knowledge of humans. Although, she develops emotions — love, even — for her child as the story progresses, and protects the child until her last dying breath. She voluntarily gives her child to Shinichi after realizing what it means to be a mother and have human emotions.

This event moved Shinichi and made him remember the warmth of life & love that he once had.

That hole in his heart was filled. He came back.

Fahim’s Picks -

1. The Stray God Finally Gets A Shrine
Noragami Aragoto
Episode: 7

Starting with a heartwarming scene.

Noragami is one of my favourite action animes. It tells the story of a forgotten god, Yato, who is desperately trying to build a shrine of his own. But, as he is not even considered a god sometimes, the work is nowhere near done. But one of his companions, Iki Hiyori, makes a shrine for him in season 2. Yes, it might be a mini-shrine but it was enough to make Yato cry.

For me, this is one of the best moments in anime because I think, this moment leaves a unique and pleasing impression. Yato has been trying for centuries to get himself a shrine, just so he can live longer. He strived even though he was told it was useless. And all his hard work was recognised. Just by being given a small shrine, he was thanked for his services. Believe me, it feels great when your hard work is appreciated. And, if you achieve what you wanted for centuries, it should be an overwhelming moment of joy.

2. The Perfect Villain Shows Himself
Episode: 11

Do you think you can perform a crime even if the cops know of it before you do?

Psycho-Pass features a world where peoples are kept under surveillance 24/7 by high tech devices named Cymatic Scanners. It shows the crime coefficiency of the person who comes in its range. When the coefficiency of a person passes a fixed limit, he is likely to perform a crime soon. So, without giving in the chance, the police either captures him or kills him. Thinking from a normal perspective, there shouldn’t be a criminal uncaptured in this world, right?

But the anime breaks all of the foundations it developed in past 10 episodes by showing the villain, Makishima Shougo. This character is one of my favourite villains because he broke all the rules that the anime presented like they were nothing. Instead, he brought a whole new idea of “Criminally Asymptomatic People”. The term is referred to people whose crime coefficiency doesn’t go up even when they commit a crime. Who can be a better villain for this plot? We got a better insight into the main character, Tsunemori Akane’s personality at this moment too. I love this moment because of the impact it holds. This moment alone can make this anime a person’s favourite series…or at least I want to believe that it can.

3. Otonashi Dies But Saves Others
Angel Beats
Episode: 9

I frequently find people talking about the best death scene or the most emotional scene in animes on social media. But I hardly find them talking about this one; which’s surprising to me.

Angels Beats present how the afterlife might be. It tells about the people who died in the real world with regrets and how they are leading their post-death lives. Here our protagonist comes to the spotlight. In the beginning, he didn’t have memories of his previous life at all. But later on, he remembers how he died. At first, he thought he died uselessly: without achieving his goals or saving his sister, he died in a train accident. But, when remembers afterwards that, he didn’t die there instantly, but he, along with some other survivors were alive for a few more days. In the final moments of his life, Yuzuru Otonashi never stops to consider his being. After he’s gravely injured in a train accident, he uses the remainder of his strength to help as many of the other crash survivors as he can. This noble act comes at the cost of his convalescence, and before long, he’s passed on into the afterlife setting of Angel Beats.
Otonashi’s final act of selflessness isn’t truly felt until after his death, as before he perishes, he signs a waiver that allows doctors to harvest his organs.

I just love this scene. The heroic act of Otonashi not only ended his regrets but also inspired others to leave meaning to their lives. The sorrow, the respect that comes with the beautiful background music is what brought this moment here.

4. The God Of Glory Won’t Lower His Head
The King’s Avatar OVA
Episode: 3

The King’s Avatar is a Chinese anime which follows the life of a gamer after he retires. Ye Qiu is considered the best player of the insanely popular multiplayer game, Glory. He is the leader of a leading team, Excellent Era. But he had to retire because of inter-team conflicts. But he didn’t stop playing Glory. In fact, he created another account and raised it without announcing his comeback. It was easy as the public didn’t know who he really is.

When Tang Rou, Ye Qiu’s new teammate, was selected twice for a match against pros in the All-Star Tournament, he knew it was intentional. Afterwards, he took Tang’s place (with her account) to battle against Du Ming in public. His skills were too good to get unnoticed. Some players even doubted on his true identity. But they needn’t think too much. Ye Qiu finished the match with a signature move, a skill that is thought to only be used by Ye Qiu. The crowd was astonished by the sudden event, went shouting as the best player of Glory declared his desire to not bow his head.

This is a moment which came out of nowhere and blew me up with its fantastic music, top-class visuals and an impactful turn of events.

5. The Walls Were Made To Titan Safe From Levi
Attack on Titan Season 3 Part 2
Episode: 5

Who doesn’t know about Levi? Even those who haven’t watched Attack on Titan series knows about him as he one of the most badass characters in the history of anime.

Attack on Titan is, in my opinion, really a well-made anime; at least the 1st season was. The second season was good too, but not as good as I expected. So, naturally, I didn’t expect much from season 3 too…I was wrong.

Season 3 exceeded each of my expectations. And all my hype burst when this scene came. The soldiers were in a total lock. There, Eren and his friends fought Reiner and Bertholdt and here, Levi, Erwin and the rest of the army fought the Beast Titan and his soldiers. Zeke Yeager (the Beast Titan) was strong, as predicted. He almost wiped out the titan slayers army. I thought it was over for them. But…just then… Erwin came with a suicidal plan. He led his army to die while keeping the titans occupied. It was a matter of time they were killed. But Erwin’s plan worked. Levi snuck up on the Beast Titan and the one-sided fight began. Zeke got owned. The strongest titan I thought to be couldn’t even put up a fight. Man…it was…impressive.

6. A Battle of Legends
Fate/ Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
Episode: 15

Nothing beats a well-done fighting scene. (At this level, my friends told that I love violence too much.)

Fate has a couple of series which are my all-time favourites. UBW is one of them. It has insanely good music, insanely good animation and insanely good fighting scenes. And I added the one which I liked the most.

At the beginning of the series, the Berserker class servant of Illyasviel von Einzbern was shown to be undefeatable. He was not only strong but he could also return from death. How can you defeat someone so overpowered? Want to know? You just have to bring someone more powerful.

This was Gilgamesh’s first fight in this series, and he performed well. He just went to Einzber’s domain fearlessly and started shooting his weapon until Berserker arrived. Then, the fight between The Greatest Hero and The King of Heroes began. This is undoubtedly one of the best fight scenes I have seen. Everything of this moment is top-notch. The artwork, the animation, the camerawork, music, motion direction even the subtitles blew up my mind. Gilgamesh may have won (way to go, Gil), Heracles (or Herculis if you prefer) showed a great example of loyalty and dignity. So, from every perspective, this moment definitely belongs here.

Pranto’s Picks-

  1. A Situation Beyond Oddness
    Daily Lives of Highschool Boys
    Episode: 1

The anime circles around 3 high school friends, Tadakuni, Hidenori and Yoshitake and their daily adventure. One of the best comedy anime I’ve ever seen. The moment I am talking about is especially hilarious.

One day, the boy found themselves in curiosity about skirts. Thus they urged Tadakuni to wear his sister’s skirt as they were in Tadakunis house during that time! From skirt, they started…and to the bra they went ….at that prime moment, Tadakuni’s sister comes to his room to see what the rackets were about…the rest was history! I never can resist laughing whenever I remember this moment.

2. Heads Flying, Blood pattering
Afro Samurai: Resurrection

Afro Samurai…Some say its a myth, some say he’s the real deal. But those who had faced him as enemies never lived to tell the tale. They cannot say how afro samurai cut their heads off in a single blow. His moves are agile …he dodges every enemy attack…none can stand more than 3 to 4 blows from him…a swing of his sword and rain of blood poured down around him and heads dropped like light stones…

When I watched this scene for the first time, I literally fell from the seat. It just carved into my memories…what more does it need?

3. Final Encounter
Noragami OVA

the god of war, Bishamonten and the god of calamity, Yato was in a sour spot since the day Yato granted Kazuma’s wish to cleanse Bisha from her corrupted Shinkis! When a Shinki dies the pain is unbearable for the god who named him or her….so when Yato cleansed all her Shinkis …the pain she felt was beyond description and was more beyond than forgivable! but that state of mind changed when they fought each other with all in….and then she realized how wrong she was about yato….when things all calmed down…the whole gang went for a picnic ..and being drunk they were arguing over stupid matters…..and finally, Yato held his hand over Bisha’s lips and he kissed there! the impression of Bisha was unbelievable….she made a face she had never made before….!

4. The Newcomer
Episode: 1

Jabami Yumeko started her first class in ‘Hyakkaou Private Academy’ as a transfer student….first she seemed a calm girl who had nothing to do with wicked games like gambling! when she found out that the whole school system was built upon gambling itself her joy knew no bounds! to her utmost joy she played her first game in her very first day at school….the person who invited her in was Meari Saotome who dominated that class by gambling…. by choosing a game invented by the school, they started the game. As Meari dominated the class she held the upper hand of winning the game….but Jabami was not an ordinary girl….she was a branch family member of the great ‘bami’ family…she was a prodigy in gambling and she could see through every deception that her enemy threw at her….meari stood no chance and was devastatingly defeated in front of the whole class! thus the newcomer showed her potential on the first day that the next queen of gambling has arrived!!!

5. The Grimoire of the Non-Magician
Black Clover
Episode: 1

I like action scenes more than ice creams. And if it is like this one, then…

Black Colver is about a young boy, Asta, who has no magic despite being living in a kingdom where magic is everything. Even when others ridicule him for it, he doesn’t get depressed. Rather, he trains hard every day to become the Wizard King, a title given the strongest magician in the kingdom. Then finally, the Grimoire Selection Day arrived. In this day, the magical books are given to the youngsters who have come to a certain age. Asta’s childhood friend, Yuno got a rare four-leaved clover, making him the strongest in their village. On the other hand, Asta got…nothing. This incident broke his heart. But still, when a bandit tries to steal the grimoire from Yuno and capture him, Asta came in without hesitation. He was tormented by the bandit as he had no magic but then Yuno shouted motivation in his ears. Suddenly, a black grimoire came to Asta, an ominous five-leaved grimoire. He took the sword out of it and smashed the bandit to unconsciousness. What is that book? You have to watch to understand.

6. First Fireworks
Kaguya-Sama: Love is War
Episode: 12

Kaguya-Sama is one of my favourite rom-coms of all time. It shows the everyday life of Shinomiya and his friends. Being the only heir of a family which is the richest in the country, Shinomiya is kept under tight security. She is never allowed to go to festivals. But Shirogane (her crush) and her other friends had decided to go to a festival this year. And this year, Kaguya wanted to celebrate too. She took the help of her maid and snuck out of her house. Then she tried to get there as fast as possible but was late anyway. She cried in a dark alley, alone. Then, like a miracle, Shirogane came there and took her to another place where there is a slight chance to see the fireworks. Not only, Shirogane but also her other friend tried thee best to show Shinomiya a firework once in her life. They ultimately succeeded. This scene is just too pleasing. The sad side of nobility and the speculation of true friendship brought this scene to this list.

So, this was a list made by The Crown members. Hope you guys liked it.

