From an Islamic point of view

Published in
6 min readMay 6, 2020


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Dajjal,(The false messiah), it is one of 3 major signs of Qiyamah, that's why he was created, the other 2 beings, the return of Isa A.S and 3rd being children will treat mothers as servants.

It will be the greatest fitna ever this world has seen,

He will be like a human, one-eyed,

He will be first and last of a kind,

Allah SWT has naturally made all, but no women gave birth to it,

He and shaitan are 2 different entities, shaitan is of jinn kind,

Dajjal will be his own kind.

All are clearly mentioned in hadith,

There was no Prophet who did not precaution his ummah about fitnah of dajjal means some menkind will act exactly like him.

As hadith says at least 30 will come, means we can expect all 29 from humankind so evil in nature. and the last one is the real one.

I will give some points so that you can feel dajjal.

He will have the softest tongue whoever will listen it will follow him, example as ISIS in Syria started claiming about falsehood to be the truth, claiming to be on Islam, but I did see there statements were so sweet as honey, many left their houses, ordinary lives to join it, isn't that unnatural I think that was only 2% of sweetness what real one will have.

Whoever reads 10 verses of Surah Kahf will be safe from his fitnah of whatever be it words or his doings.

But both devil and dajjal have similar characteristics of evilness,

I studied our enemy extensively, his plans are for shorter durations, he cannot plan for longer future durations, as a human can change coarse of heart with following correct, a human can do Tauba so plan of enemy will fall apart,

He is stationary, so he can ONLY MISGUIDE YOU WHAT YOU HAVE ALREADY KNOWN, he cannot misguide you what is unknown to you or that you never learned about.

But dajjal brings new things that are affecting the future of humans and is large scale planning as now if do then generation will happen that. so huge planning….

Some similarities we can see I wrote before were-

As usual, it is the will of Allah SWT to make one of the powerful,

So we see all the evil things still making you run away from humanity or religion is produced in that powerful country, it controls the economy,

It gave you electricity,

It gave you telephones,

It gave you flight power to fly like jinns,

It has the power to travel to space,

It keeps eyes on space, education system(class-wise learning of system only),

It has given you computer, software, hardware, any machinery,

Any electronics, cloth, shoes, purse, junk food, all sorts of fruits,


Clone fruits,

Its citizen came to my country, in 1967, and altered the original rice,

Which had power stamina real strength to the human body,

Decreased all of it, and made that it yields more grains but losing all its power in the process, it gave you adult industry,

It gave you facebook Whatsapp, google, all are making you away to give away your mind and soul to work for it,


So that you cannot concentrate on any other thing WHAT YOU ARE BORN FOR.

I can say it is the headquarter for war controlling strategy or creating a war. (as I saw during the 2000s a fitnah was created by it, which affected the whole world, hating each Muslim as you are the detestable being cannot be called as human at all.)

For 70 years we are having SYSTEM,

This system gave us 2 very big things in nature, which controls you as a puppet,

That is governments and entertainment.

Because entertainment is big evil that totally takes away your soul to enjoy, and makes you addicted to it like songs, or movies or dramas, which has the effect of that you talk it everywhere EVERY FIELD OF LIFE.

When people say I am from India they remember Bollywood, they say Shahrukh khan this hero that hero, etc etc…. if you see outside the singers have taken away souls of many as to worship them I don't want to take their names…

Nowadays mobile phones have taken away your time as well, you are not 1 minute free to THINK ABOUT OTHER THAN….

You are busy with Facebook or Whatsapp or Instagram or this or that….selling your soul to the system.

And government plays important roles in each life now, as they create rules and that rule has to be followed anyhow you live or you die or fear of thrown in prison, as called as the country enemy,

If you see each as made countries now, and people are crazy for country, they say my country done this has done that…… just country that's the life of people nowadays…forgetting totally that they will DIE ONE DAY AND LEAVE ALL OF THIS FOOLISHNESS face Allah SWT one day.

The first thing of dajjal I see is making of countries, (as human minds become small as each country will be world in itself,

The second thing, is creating governments, that is same as previous power people ruled, only majority party will rule and will control all, but here there is a difference, there is president or PM, so the main head is missing, that is king, that is hidden, if you can notice all this, the head is devil, where decision of president or PM is final , no need of decisions or each citizen nowadays, you can notice as how west attacks some countries and their citizens cannot do or think of it anything).


You have made education, 10 years matriculation then higher studies then professional studies then lifelong do a job, 5 days work and 2 days holiday,

You are so much packed in the system where will you learn that you are a human, you are made to learn not this system but the major thing, why are you born for, and you are dying.

THE MAJOR FACTOR WHICH CHANGED THE FACE OF THE WORLD IN A TWIST WAS BREAK THE BACK OF ISLAM, the back of followers of is haya, shame, see till 19th century there was haya, means people use to dress modestly be it any religion be it how to oppress that religion was,… now in the name of being liberal or secular see such rules are existing or taking new faces, like feminism Lgbt, etc, etc.. and acts done worse than animals just like devil level…. that is boyfriend and girlfriend relations….

There is no respect for beards anymore, I consider the greatest sunnah of each Prophet was having a beard, nobody now considers it important, that is a major sign for me as no cause will come in future from Muslims hard work to get this sunnah back

There is no Muslim without his miswak, but not even Islamic scholars remember this or do it, it is so big sunnah that our Prophet said the benefits of it are so much it would have been obligatory if I had no fear of them losing it,

See we lost it,

The biggest sunnah is lost already.

Tell me who is doing it, except whom Allah SWT has blessed Hidayat to do it.

See people Allah SWT have shown so many things using me, what did you do, read it, and left it as time pass. Islam is not timepass, your exam is not timepass, you should discipline your self I will not time pass now. then only changes happen,

4 points, to sum up, are (you have to find using your brain through signs)-

  1. He will take religion away from you,(test of religion(are you interested in it or not))

2. Test of wealth. (sanctions, night shifts day shifts, etc. run behind money) is money important or order of Allah SWT.

3. Test of knowledge(belief right as wrong, and stupid as intellect)(media)

4.Test of power, (if you believe in evil things, your work will be seen as done, like grave worship as in India, etc., other is the power of music, mobiles internet.)

The solution is to stick to the book of Allah, like be interested in Quran or lectures or research yourself on verses.

Read hadith and practically try to do it. so many hadith are dying as nobody is following it.

Last is be most of us living in this world are packed within the system that is on the process of creation by the false lord, its time to get ready as human civilization's future is much darker then we can just feel it.

