Working in the gaming industry may not be as exciting as you think.

Fahim Ahmed


Gaming is one of the most influential and popular entertainment sectors of our time. So, naturally, the gaming industry is becoming a great attraction to young job seekers and innovators. The gaming industry is currently richer than both the global box office and the music industry combined. By 2022, experts forecast it to produce USD 196 billion in revenue and tech giants like Apple and Google are trying to cash in on this by launching gaming streaming services of their own. The success of the gaming industry has also increased starting and average salaries for employees, making it a lucrative industry for aspiring animators, developers, and coders. However, the success of the industry comes at the cost of what workers have to go through behind the scenes.

Gaming corporations have to meet every deadline continuously. So, the employees have to do inhumane work behind the scenes. 95% of developers said that they had either crunched or worked overtime with over 80% of them saying that they were not paid for the extra hours. Most popular games including the recent trio of “Red Dead Redemption 2”, “Fortnite” and “Anthem” were subjects of major investigations for their mismanagement of labor and for making employees work from 70 hours to as many as 100 hours in a week.

